recording 2: My thoughts

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Hey, again. This tape is for Jane, and only Jane.
I am sorry for doing this to you. I know how difficult this can be. This is a game, a game where you get to shine blue, and I shine red as the evil to this life, that's why I want you to win. But unfortunately you can't, you have to be with me, just think about how we can rule the world once we get our children to grow and grow and we can even make an evolution throughout years. We'll be just like adam and eve.

(Takes a deep breath)

Now if you're not Jane, i would like to talk to you as well, you may ask what if Jane dies, I mean of course in these kinda situations a normal person would suicide, or die by a normal awful cause.
(starts to talk rapidly and quickly) but here's the twist, Jane isn't just a normal usual human being, she's more than that, shes not normal and in fact she's capable of doing things that are greater than my doings.
My name is Eric, and i will never regret putting humanity to an end.

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