"Are you going to keep complaining about it?"

"Yup," she sent him a sarcastic smile, giving up on trying to fit it in her ear and shoving it into one of the pockets in her hero suit. They made their way across the street, Bakugou slightly ahead of her as they walked.

When five minutes passed and she was still cursing and complaining about the device, he finally gave in and shoved his com into her hand. She looked up at him with a tinge of surprise as her fingers closed around it.

"Now gimme yours, you stupid baby," he said sticking his hand out for her to exchange coms with him. She did what he asked, placing her oversized com into his hand before gingerly sliding the new one into her ear.

Her eyes widened, "Hey, it fits!"

He placed hers in his ear, it fitting perfectly fine compared to how it fit in her tiny ear-holes. "Whatever, just stop dragging us behind," he rolled his eyes at her excitement and walked on ahead with her trailing behind him.

They walked throughout the city, breathing in the light mist of the cool, humid air that lingered from the previous night's rain. Bakugou's boots thudded against the concrete sidewalk as they cut through one of the main, downtown parks. Kids were running around, tagging one another, the cracks through the cherry blossoms providing a pattern of light to dance along the concrete walkway.

Costa watched the patterns reflecting on the ground as they briskly walked through the park, pink petals lush with a cherry rose scent falling around their heads gently. She smiled, grasping a petal in her hand and rubbing her thumb against the smooth center. Her hand opened slowly and just like that, it was gone with the wind, fated to ride with the morning breeze.

She watched Bakugou's muscular shoulders tense and relax as they traveled deeper into the city, his blonde hair blowing back with the direction of the wind. His gauntlets swang back and forth as he walked, his shoulders tucked back and his chest sticking out. She wanted to snort at his ridiculous 'macho, ego-stance' as they strolled along the line of trees bordering the park.

But she didn't want to ruin the music of the wind mixed with the busy city buzz as they walked, him leading in front of her. She simply listened and observed, letting her senses settle. The smell of leftover rain, cherry blossoms, and the faint scent of vehicle exhaust filled her nostrils. The city was alive with people milling about, the streets crowded, buildings standing sky-high. The drum of people walking, talking, children laughing, cars honking, heroes zipping by overwhelmed her eardrums. The air felt cool, the humid residue starting to stick to the skin under her hero costume.

She and Bakugou made their way to the oncoming building to which their mission was planned around, the Ashoka City Bank. It looked like any other bank, a bit historic with a white exterior and two thick pillars at the front. Costa let her senses settle in once more as they observed the building. Two rows of seven windows lined the front, four on each side. There was only one set of double wooden doors in the front, most likely one in the back as well.

"What time is it?" Bakugou asked in a gruff voice as they lingered on the sidewalk across from the building. Costa glanced down at her watch, "Half-past eleven, we've got a little while until the action starts. Might as well make ourselves at least look busy."

Bakugou nodded in agreement before they both turned their attention toward the commotion a few yards down the street. A man had stopped his car in the middle of the road, pacing on his cell phone as he stood on the sidewalk across from it. They shared a look.

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now