Start from the beginning

Each kingdom is located in the middle of nowhere, each of them have a purpose too. The in-between is in charge of time travelers. They order the time travelers to fix the past or see the future, it's one of the most powerful kingdom.

From what I know, that kingdom is slowly losing its spark. their time travelers had been put to an eternal sleep, they only have their last and best of the best time traveler left. An unknown entity had entered the in-between, causing the other time travelers to fall to an eternal sleep.

His name is Karl. You will meet him in the near future.

The same happened to the Opal kingdom, the Opal kingdom also had their last hero but unfortunately, he has been already put into an eternal sleep decades ago.

I managed to keep this kingdom at bay for decades, keeping away any time travelers or creatures to enter this kingdom.

But i believe it is now the time to for the Opal kingdom to become a brand new kingdom again.

I had summoned you, dream.

You are our last hope, please do help us.

Dream was baffled, his mouth was agape and his eyes were wide. So is that why he's been trapped in this kingdom for years? He did have a purpose after all.

He turned the page with a shaky breath, his eyes slightly shaking.

You have the right to decline and agree. We will respect your decision.

If you happen to agree to our help, we promise to give this kingdom to you. Not only that but we also will give you powers to control the kingdom, we are willing to give you anything you want. It could be power and money, it could be people that you will rule over, we will give you anything.

All you need to do to get these powers is go to a certain world, collect all four books that is important in this kingdom. Those books have the future of this kingdom, we cannot afford to lose them.

Once collected, you must go to the end realm and return to the Opal kingdom.

If you happen to decline, we understand your decision. We will put you in a world where you can live happily ever after, you'll have a family who'll love and care about you, you'll have friends who you can lean into, you can have a wonderful life there.

Please do think of your decisions first.

If you had already made up your decision, call out to me.

Shocked and confused, that's what he's feeling right now. 'i've been stuck in this world just because I'm a chosen one to save this kingdom?' glaring, he grabbed the book and threw it at the floor with a scream.

"I don't want this! I just want to live a normal life! I didn't asked for this! Get me out of here!" He yelled, his voice shaky and desperate.

His eyes teared up as he lean to the table, his body shook uncontrollably in anger and confusion. "I don't belong here! Please! Let me go!" He exclaimed, glaring at thin air.

"God! Whoever who's out there! Help me! Please! I'll do whatever you want! Just please... Get... Get me out of here..." Soon, his screaming turned to quiet sobs as he fall to the ground, kneeling as he wipe his tears in his hoodie sleeve.

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