Meanwhile, JJ and Pope are still standing outside of the entrance to the sewers as they patiently wait for the two girls to return with the murder weapon. But JJ being himself decides that he doesn't want to be in complete silence, therefore taking it upon himself to start a conversation. Pope, on the other hand, looks as though he doesn't mind if they're standing in silence or not.

"Alright, bro." JJ begins. "I see you visible on Kie, okay? Give me the details. Are we talking first base, second base, third base?"

"Try not even in the same ballpark." Pope corrects.

"What do you mean by that?" JJ asks, eyebrows furrowed together.

"It's like we're not playing the same game." Pope replies. "The other night, she was all over me. But she was wasted, so it doesn't really count."

"I get that. You don't want to take advantage of her like that, I get it." JJ states. "If that happened then I wouldn't let Ly do that either."

"Really?" Pope questions, almost surprised.

"I'm not a dickhead, dude." JJ reminds. "Why would I take advantage of my girl like that?"

"I'm sorry." Pope apologises. "But yeah, I tried to be edgy, out-there Pope, and she didn't like that. So I tried to be straitlaced Pope, and she didn't like that either. Now I don't know what to do!"

"I understand." JJ replies. "Just think, okay? I know you can do that. Lights done candles. Put on some Otis Redding. Or play guitar."

"I can't play guitar. Actually, I can't do any of those things." Pope informs. "I don't know how you and Del do this shit, man."

Back inside of the sewer, the two girls are still deep in the murky water as they continue to rummage around in the trash in search for the gun. Shouts of complaints can be heard from the both of them as they repeatedly find things that disgust them, just wanting to get out of the sewers as soon as possible.

"There's something dead in here!" Kie shouts.

"Don't touch it!" Pope instructs, warning them beforehand.

"Too late!" Delilah informs.

"Now you might get worms." JJ tells the brunette girl. "Do either of you see the gun?"

"No." Delilah replies.

The sound of water suddenly gargling echoes around the metallic tunnels and causes the girls to stop what they're doing. They exchange looks of confusion at one another, not knowing what that noise belongs to. However, the unsaid questions are automatically answered as the sewage water starts to aggressively bubble and rapidly rise in height.

"Oh, shit." Delilah curses.

"Guys, the water!" Kie shouts.

"Get out of there now!" Pope instructs.

"We don't have time!" Kie informs "Guys, help us!"

The pressure of the water becomes more violent as more gush out of the tunnel and fills the area that they stand in. The pair swim over to where a metal ladder is situated against one of the walls as a drain rests above them. Screams and shouts leave their mouths, laced with panic and desperation. Water only begins to travel upwards and make their way towards Kiara and Delilah.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora