Chapter 7

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"I was given the title as the guardian of humanity, it is also a King's duty to rule over their Kingdom

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"I was given the title as the guardian of humanity, it is also a King's duty to rule over their Kingdom." confidently said Gilgamesh who looked at Poseidon, ignoring everything around her.

"I made my own path as a King who ruled over humanity, but a king must forever stand above the people so that they may look beyond the horizon and lead their people to the light. To act as a bold and mighty leader that sets an example for others to aspire to. But a world with no destruction caused by humanity which you insects created. Don't be absurd, unless you forgot, humanity was created from the image of gods. 'Humanity' is the name for an animal that cannot find the joy in life without sacrifice. The pretty lie that is 'equality' is nonsense spouted by weaklings who cannot look upon the darkness. Nothing but an excuse to cover up life's ugliness that you Gods and the mortals created."

The Gods roared angrily at Gilgamesh's insult at them for being useless as they knew that she had lead humanity to a new age where gods were to be forgotten. While humanity was angry at being compared to the Gods and how they were weaklings because of their beliefs in fighting.

Next to the golden haired goddess, a man smiled at Gilgamesh's back, proudness shining in his eyes.

(With Valkyries and survivors)

"Nice this'll work! Big sis your plan on letting her join will definitely grant victory for Humanity!" Göll said determiningly.

"Yes, but it is surprising when she refused to have a Valkyrie weapon." said Brunhilde. "What!!" Screamed Göll, "and you let her still fight."

"Of course, one thing about King Gilgamesh was she was a demigod Göll and had the ability to kill a God. I'm sure defeating them without a Valkyrie weapon would still make her the winner," said Brunhilde smiling down at the arena before her face turned into a frown, "but just why did she have to gain an interest with the most deadliest God, for certain now she won't kill him in attempt to make him hers."

"And you'll allow her." Said a scared Göll, fearing what Poseidon may do if he lost and was claimed, after knowing his background story. "Yes, after all she is the King and I cannot deminish her wish." Replied Brunhilde.

Crying was heard next to the Valkyries as they turned to the site of Chen Gong crying at Lu Bu being alive with Eve and her two sons crying over Adam. But Lu Bu and Adam just stared at the arena watching the two opponents.

"Strong" Lu Bu said smiling at the sight, his blood pumping through his veins, wanting to fight both the contestants in the arena.

Adam bit into another apple as he watch the scene in front of him, his pale blonde hair covering his eyes from people seeing the emotions swirling through them.


"Since you asked a question it's my turn," said Gilgamesh, "you called everyone here insects including your friends the Gods, why?."

Gilgamesh smirked at the sight of a struggling Poseidon with her unoccupied hand on her chin.

"We are Gods born with perfection, friends are unnecessary to those that have attained perfection." Replied Poseidon.

Then Poseidon gritted his teeth together before backing away. The Gods and Goddesses cheered for him to finish her quickly, while humanity cheered at the sight of the Sea Gods struggle.

Breathing out Gilgamesh closed her eyes for a second, "This is getting boring, COME MONGREL SHOW ME THE POWER OF THE PERFECT GOD YOU PROCLAIM YOUSELF AS!."

Poseidon took a step forward getting into a fighting position and attacked with Amphitrite, unleashing fast thrust at blinding speed towards the barrier.

Gilgamesh grunted from the impact, as the crowds roared. The ground was breaking as the attacks continuously impacted around her.

"This demigod is strong enough to be able to counter the moves of a God?" Ares said, unable to believe what he saw.

"I believe so." Hermes said, mildly impressed.

"What is wrong with these mortals that have reached the peak?" Ares asked.

"They are more monstrous than what we gave them credit for." Odin admitted.

"This excites me so much!" Loki shouted.

"Um, big sis, is King Gilgamesh going to be able to fight and survive?" Göll asked, confused.

"I have complete faith in her, Göll. She's not just any normal demigod remember, she has killed a God before and lead humanity into an age without Gods." Said Brunhilde.


Question to all, do you want Poseidon to become a servant for Chaldea or just stay as a claimed God by Gilgamesh.

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