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Early morning.

Room of Natsu.

"Nnnn... Zzzznnn..." Natsu sleeping on his futon slowly waking up, His sleeping position was back in then he spins around his side not knowing where his hand land.



Natsu notices something his right hand landed in softball squishy. He's still asleep but, as he felt soft and comfortable, he squeezed then smell familiar.


He knows this nostalgic feeling.


He opens his eyes and looks to his side and sees a girl with pink hair looking at him and his right hand was at her breasts gripping it.

"Enjoying touching?" It was Mitsuri smiling towards him as they were in the same bed wearing a sleeping pink sleeve dress.


"HAAAA!!!!!" Natsu shouts out getting red went back.


Immediately Mitsuri covers his mouth and by that, she was at his top by falling.


Someone open the door.

"What's the matter, Natsu-sa-MAAAA!!!!!" Akame shock as she sees Mitsuri was at the top of Natsu.

Mitsuri looks at her. "It's not what you think!" Swaying her hands.

Akame immediately went to them and swing her swords at Mitsuri and she dodges it.

"What you think your doing??!!! Your ra-ra-rap-p-p-doing something unpleasant to him you pervert girl!!"
She attacks her.

"Please hear me out! We didn't do anything!" Mitsuri said dodging all attacks.

"My eyes see it! Don't try to cover up!!"

On Natsu smoking head.

'Being reincarnated as untouched then lived with orphan with kids made me think about a matured thing. She indeed clinging to me but this time was too passionate about her feelings... This wasn't my intention as I already see some of it on Erza and the others nothing cares about it as I only think was doing fun... But as growing mentally... it's been so long to feel and see it makes me heat... Damn! Now I know why how old man feels. ... I don't wanna return to my old self being perverted as Sister will be angry knowing about it!'
His thoughts still heating and like smoking feeling to grope and how Mitsuri posture to him at his front riding-like when she put her both hands covering his mouth.



Natsu was likely being guarded by Akame to his side while he's trying to eat normally do and Mitsuri was on the other side doing the same. Lisanna notices the unfamiliar behavior of Natsu as she sees him seem in red. Lisanna whispers to Ruka.

"Is this connection on what shout early in the morning?" Lisanna asks. She hears a sound early in the morning but she was still sleeping at that time as she sleeps at late night talking with Natsu.

"I can't answer your question. But this will be trails for all of you about trust and understanding."

Lisanna didn't understand what she meant but she just keeps with the flow.

Dragonslayer in Grimoire World (Natsu Dragneel In Black Clover)Where stories live. Discover now