Crossing The Line

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Six Days of Hell


Cross's POV

When we came back home, I was heading my way to the bedroom. Somehow, I was alone in the hallway. When I keep walking around the room while feeling bad for leaving Lucille behind, the hotel finds no one in it. Everyone must be gone. Chara doubted that.

"Looking for something?"

"Huh?" I turned around to only feel being dragged by the tentacles when I was surrounded by the shadows and glitches. I got pinned against the wall then I felt the pain on my face. I widened my eyes and saw it was Alastor with an evil grin look. That bastard punched me!

"I thought I told you to stay away from her, didn't I!?" Alastor snarled in a radio voice when we were surrounded by the glitch. I glared at him as I wasn't scared of him.

"What the fuck, Al!?" I yelled in anger.

"I should've killed you when I first met you, Cross! You've been in my way since you've been hanging around with my Lucille! She is mine! Not you, Seviathan, and Angel Dust!"

I grunted to feel him squeezing the life out of me. I glared at him more when my face is filled with sweats. "I told you, Al, I don't go after princesses nor women! Lucille is my best friend and I will never leave her side until you tell them the truth for what you did!"

Alastor narrowed his eyes. "I think it's time I'll teach you a lesson, you fucking freak." He said as he walked towards me and prepared for a punch. I grunted at that. I keep struggling and struggling before I was too late. Chara appeared quickly and started to shout out for me.

"Cross! What are you doing!? Teleport yourself! Use your teleport!" Chara yelled at my face until I remembered what I can do during the battle.

I blinked. "Oh, right!" Then I quickly teleported as Alastor missed it with a punch. However, when I teleported in front of him, I summoned my blade and marched towards him with my glowed red eyes and sinister smile.

"Thanks, Chara!" I shouted out for him as I swung my left leg and kicked Alastor in the face that made him collapsed in front of me.

He scoffed. "No problem, idiot!"

I smirked evilly at Alastor. My right eye glowed with blue when I used my magic to snatch his whole body but his evil soul. I swung my left arm and knocked Alastor at the wall, almost destroyed the hotel, hoping nobody's awake. Especially my friends.

Alastor grunted in pain as I walked towards him while glaring at him. He glared back at me. Without a warning, there was a loaded smile on his face until I didn't see where I was standing. One of the shadow tentacles apprehended my ankles and my wrist and was about to absorb me into the black void. But that's never going to happen when I hurried threw the blade at Alastor's left shoulder that made him scream in pain, which he released me from the tentacles.

I stood in front of him as I had enough of Alastor's bullshit. I breathed heavily while facing him instantly. "You're lucky I'm not allowed to kill you." I panted, "Someone like you doesn't deserve to be the Overlord. You're so pathetic just like the others except for my friends that I cared about. I'm glad you're doomed to disappear as well. Now do yourself a favor and stay away from Lucille? Also, do me a favor and tell them the truth about your plan?"

When I was walking away, heading back to my bedroom, I could hear him screaming at me from distance.

"Stay away from Lucille! She's mine!"

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