Chapter 32: Ahtohallan Arrival; Water Spirit

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Gail: "𝘼𝙝 𝙖𝙝 𝙖𝙝 𝙖𝙝~"


Gail: "𝘼𝙝 𝙖𝙝 𝙖𝙝 𝙖𝙝~"

𝘼𝙝 𝙖𝙝 𝙖𝙝 𝙖𝙝~

Connie: That's quite a voice. Jean: Yeah~ Her voice is so calming. Sasha: Should I copy it? Connie: Uh sure.. Sasha: Okay.. "AH AH AH AH" Jean and Connie: Ouch, ouch.. Mikasa: Maybe not. Sasha can't sing like Gail, she's good at eating food especially meat. Sasha: MEAT! Erwin: Could you guys focus on going to Ahtohallan and not by meat? Connie: Sorry, Erwin.. Jean: Way a good, Connie. Connie: Hmph! Bruni: *Make noises and moves fast* Gail: Hey! *Starts running* Levi: Wait.. Gail! *Chasing Gail again* Babe, wait up! "Erwin and the others catch up with Levi as he chasing with Gail. After hours of running, the reached the edge of the fo rest where the dark sea has been stand out that was reflected by the moonlight above its mini mountain. At last, Gail saw a frozen building in the distance far from her." Gail: There it is.. Ahtohallan.. Erwin: Good. We should be going there.. Gail: *Sighs* No, not we.. Levi Squad: Huh? Erwin: Wait-what do you mean? Gail: .. I will go to Ahtohallan.. Alone.. Levi: What..? Gail: *Use ice powers and handcuffs them to the ground* Eren: Are you kidding? You.. You can't be serious. Gail: I wish I was kidding but.. No.. The dark sea is too dangerous for us all to travel. Mikasa: No, no we suppose to do this together! Remember the song, go too far and you'll be drowned. Who will stop you from going too far?! Gail: I'm sorry, Mikasa, but you have to believe me on this. This is what I was born to do. Mikasa: *Starts to tear up* And I don't want to stop you from that. I, I don't want to stop you from being whatever you need to be. We just don't want you dying, trying to be everything for everyone else too. Don't do this alone. Let us help you, please. We can't lose you, Gail. Levi: Please baby.. Listen to Mikasa.. You promised me we'll do this together! D-don't do this to me.. I can't lose you.. Gail: ... I'm sorry, Levi.. But I can't afford to lose you all and this is the best way to keep you all safe. It's not like I'm not coming back again. Erwin: No, Gail.. Gail: *Makes a magical mirror of ice and floats* But with this, you guys can see me wherever I go. *Sigh* No more to it, I need to get going. Bye. Levi: Wait, Gail- "Gail made a huge ice to slide down to face the dark sea. Gail backs away take her cloak, shoes off, and tie her hair in order to cross the sea properly." Gail: *Mouth sigh* You can do this, Gail. *Starts running* "Gail starts running to the sea and making some ice steps to get across, but fails by a wave crashing down to her made Levi and Levi Squad screams for Gail. Gail got up from the surface to try her second attempt." Gail: Okay, no biggie. Let's try it again. "Gail runs up to the sea again and making the same ice steps and succeed by swim through the wave that come crashing her down again. She climbed up the rock to see her view better and came down sliding by the ice she made that she keeps on running with her ice steps to the sea. Gail, then, made a huge ice like bridge over the upcoming wave and starts running half way until it breaks made Gail fell into the water yet again." Levi: No, Gail! *Struggles* Erwin: Levi, there's no use in struggling. Levi: ... "Under the water before Gail swims up, a mysterious figure of a horse flash appearing to one side and another to eye contact with Gail." Sasha: W-what is that? Historia: Another spirit? "That thing disappears in front of Gail and Gail swims up the surface of the water, seeing beneath her that water horse coming towards her. She quickly blast an ice for her to lay on but unfortunately, the water spirit jumps up and flips it to sent Gail falling into the water. Gail coughs of water because of the sea isn't stable and steady. The water spirit appears within the wave and comes to drown Gail to the bottom of the sea. Gail freeze the water horse and disappears as she swam up again panting. Once again, the water spirit broke her balance being on the surface of the water and starts swinging water by water." Levi: Gail! *Struggles* Erwin: Levi, stop.. There's no use.. Levi: And watch my girlfriend get swung and drowned by a magical horse?! Eren: Levi, calm down.. These handcuffs are tight and strong that Gail made. Levi: *Sigh*

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