City apocalypse

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The people scuttled into the corner closer to Kyros at the end of the large room. "What do I do?" He thought again, until his mind felt like it left his body. He ran at the reanimated. Pulled out his trident. And impaled it's face charging it into the wall before it could attack the men. And he heard a voice come from behind him a few seconds later, a friendly voice. Come from behind him. "T-thank you!" The man said tripping over his words. he had a goatee, some worn shoes, grey ripped joggers, a denim jacket, and a yellow beanie. He was basically, a hippie. Or so Kyros thought. The other man, still leaning against the back of the wall seated unlike the one thanking Kyros, had a light purple scarf, a red jacket with rolled up sleeves, light blue ripped jeans, and had a darker skin tone. He was still processing himself get saved right before his eyes.

"So who are you?" Asked Kyros to the men. "Oh." The hippie like man's tone changed as he was no longer thanking him. "We'll I'm Zane, I was on my way to see my grandpa because he had some collections but I found Alastor here. He seems lost in his mind a lot now. He found me almost passed out after walking for so long." Kyros shook Zane's hand and helped Alastor get up. "So, you got a place or something? You seem prepared." Asked Alastor. Kyros explained he had finished looting  and was about to go back home and he left with them.

Once they had returned home Kyros disabled the traps and let the two of them in, "you two got any equipment?" Asked Kyros. "Well my gramps' had a weapon collection my Dad used to always talk about and he said I couldn't see it until he was old enough. I hardly remember seeing it now from when I did. but when the fall happened, I remembered it and we've been on the journey for a while." Zane explained and Alastor nodded in agreement. "So, how far away was it Zane? I swear it was like, 16 more miles away roughly." Asked Alastor getting comfy enough to stay the night. "Yeah, 16 miles exactly now probably." Replied Zane. "Well your here I guess, i'll give you some substitute weapons for the time being, here. Zane, Take this axe. And Alastor, take my Glaive." Kyros said as he handed the two each item.

Later that night.
Kyros was sitting by the window, Alastor was sleeping on the sofa and Zane was upstairs sitting on the roof because he likes high up places scouting for anything or anyone. Zane came down from his rooftop and he went over to Kyros. "So, I know it's kind of late. But I think that you should come with us, your going to run out of things sooner or later." He whispered to him. Kyros turned to him and realised. That he should definitely go. He was becoming more vulnerable to the elements and sooner or later, he was going to lose his sanity. So he stared at the floor for a moment, and finally nodded, and the two went to sleep, Kyros in his sleeping bag. And Zane in a makeshift hammock. And so they finally rested properly.

The next morning.
Kyros was up early. Carefully packing his items he wanted, and everything excessive was hidden away. His bag was quite large but not one of them overly massive ones with loads of items on, just enough. Standard survival things, his other weapons, a sleeping bag, And some cans that were tied up. But tied up tight enough so they wouldn't make noise, and they were spaced out, too. He threw Zane and Alastor a bag each. "Hey. Some stuff is in there, it's all of both of your stuff. And some extra items." They fully awoke and started to roam the streets, Kyros's Trident was slung onto the right side of his bag and his rifle was in hand, Alastor was in the middle of the three and they traversed in a straight line formation. They would look side to side and any far ahead Reanimated, Kyros would snipe from afar and Alastor had the glaive holstered on his side and Kyros's old wooden rifle in hand. Kyros had taught him how to use both weapons later last night. After countless kills upfront done by Zane with two knives They made it to the central city, it was bleak with reanimated. No cars now and it was just blank. Some twists and turns but it was the fastest way to where they were headed. It was now the middle of the day. "We've gotta hurry up, we can't be in the city at night. It's too dangerous." Kyros whispered. So now they were in the open. They hurried up and started jogging. "Wow, it's a shame no one else is here." Alastor said after killing a reanimated. "Eh, could be worse." Replied Kyros. And they continued to move through the desert like streets.

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