Chapter 25

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Tonight was the night. The end was near. It had just struck midday, December 31st. I couldn't sleep, how could I. everything was coming to the end. Peace was finally coming. It was time. I made sure that everything was in place. The key was under my pillow, it was to my safe where all the letters were kept in order. A-Z. Over 100 letters. Over 100 memories. Soo many regrets, so many smiles.

The end was nigh.

And so I wrote my final letter.


I know I've already said how thankful I am but you don't understand. This past moth has indeed been the happiest I've ever been. Whenever I'm talking to you I always seem to smile. There's so much I would have loved to say but so little time.

In a way I guess you could say that you were sorta like my knight in shining armour but the darkness was just too strong for you to save me from.

Thank you so much for everything. You will remain forever as my hero, my nameless hero. I appreciate you soo soo much. I think at some point I actually fell for you. And yes, I may be in love with you, but it's too late.

So, thank you,

Forever and always,


I was weak. A prisoner to my own mind. A few more hours til it was dark, a few more hours til it could end.

I had to give the letter to his maid.


She was very startled to see me looking like a bum. I forgot that I needed to look sane.. living people issues.

"Come in, come in let me grab you some food" she said as she tried to usher me inside the poolhouse. A smile traipsed its was onto my lips, grateful for the last moments of kindness.

"I need to get ready for an event, I'm sorry I can't stay any longer." I replied.

Could she see that I had been crying, could she see that I am on the edge?

"I'm just here to give this to him." I reached into my bag pulling out his letter, placing it in her hand I continued "Can you give it to him as soon as possible, I'm in a bit of a rush"

Turning my back towards her, I walked away.

I was damaged, he didn't need that in his life.

"It's for the best..." I muttered to myself as I began the walk to the bridge. The rain had once again started to pour. Clouds hovered angrily, disrupting the peaceful skies that had laid peaceful mere moments ago.

"It's for the best"

Unknowns POV

Madria came rushing up to me. Letter in hand. She had a very worried look on her face.

"Its the girl, the beautiful girl we took care of. I'm worried about her. She seemed so lost. She gave me a letter to give to you and I.. I.." she stopped to take a breath.


What did she need?

Madria handed me the letter. When I read it I was so confused. She.. Loves me? Its too late? What does that mean?

A key? A note? Letters?

I was so confused.

I rang her phone but she didn't pick up. So I left home and headed towards her house. I had a bad feeling about all of this.

I just prayed that I was wrong.

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