Chapter 1

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Mentionings of sexual abuse, abuse as well as other potential triggers.

Getting up in the morning was an issue, a big one.

My bed suddenly felt comfier and held me as a prisoner, increasing my levels of laziness. Oh my sweet sweet bed, what would I do without you?

My eyes remained closed as I avoided thinking of that day when a knock came to my bedroom door.

"Jayla get your lazy ass up," a brutish voice called out. "We have to leave in an hour and you're driving, remember?" I groaned out softly burying my head into my silk pillow. Why today of all days.

"Thanks Jordan," I yelled out, stretching and yawning. I was definitely not mentally prepared for school. As I got out of bed, I nearly face-planted the floor. Stupidly cute teddies. Shaking my head, I continued towards my en suite, starting my morning playlist to put me in a better mood.

I received a message from my cousin Rita. We didn't talk often but we were fairly close. I laughed at the meme she sent and replied with a few emojis and memes of my own.

10 minutes later I realised that I still had to go to school so I prepared myself for the worst and got ready.

It took me 45 minutes of rushing around just to wear a cute hoodie and leggings and contemplate why school still existed.

"Hurry up fatty, we are running late" Jordan called from the door. Rolling my eyes, I tripped and fell down the last few steps. Ah, the perfect way to start school, falling over AT HOME, not once but, TWICE.

Dusting myself off and ignoring his laughter, I headed out towards my car. Our estate was fairly large as it was accustomed to hold all of our family as well as our staff and guest rooms. Each new Rhoze generation extended the family, bringing more Rhoze's to the world - though some did go by other surnames they were Rhoze's by blood and that's what mattered.

"Oi, stupid. We need to get to school so quit zoning out," Jordan sneered as he text on his phone.

Biting my cheek, I connected my phone to the speakers. He was so.. annoying. And for what? He behaved like a spoiled child... for what? I wasn't in the mood to fight back with him, I just forgave him like grandma would have. I did feel sorry for him though, he never got to meet her, unless you count the funeral-

The ride was fairly peaceful with small arguments about the music every now and again but I was super grateful when I dropped him off at his usual spot. He didn't want people to know we were related, and to be honest, I was grateful for that. Only a few people from our elementary school knew that we were related, people from our middle school thought we were close families so no one suspected anything.

"Goodbye to you too..." I muttered as he slammed the car door shut. My poor baby, bruised by his brutal ways. I had a nice car, a little foreign Mini whilst I learned how to park better. Drivers' Ed was a nightmare, I barely passed because of my inability to park. Of course Dasia was standing in the middle of the only available spot, I smirked as I pulled over towards her.

"You bitch" she yelled out laughing. "I'm walking here" Rolling my eyes at her, I stepped out of the car. "Well maybe you shouldn't be such a dumb hoe and watch where you're going." I retorted, giving her a hug.

"I HAVE NEWS" she exclaimed excitedly. "Teddy asked Katara out and oh my days she said yes!" My eyes widened in shock, that was not what I was expecting to hear. The last I heard was Katara was linking with a guy from another high school so this was interesting indeed.

"How long do you think they are gonna last?" I asked, amused.

"Hmm, maybe about a month... three max." she said as she dragged me into school.

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