Chapter 8

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After the events at Zayne's place, everything was normal. Of course, I would occasionally tease teddy about his boner moment, but I knew it wasn't because of me. Over the past month I had noticed how he and Merrida were looking at each other. When confronting him, he immediately denied it but from the longing look on his face I knew I was right.

We were in a cover lesson in art when suddenly, a loud thud sounded from outside the classroom. "You little hood b*tch" a voice screamed out. Of course, everyone headed out towards the commotion as it was technically lunch break. The poor substitute teacher did not stand a chance between the mix of 16 and 17-year old's running out of the classroom.

In the middle of the hallway was a crowd of students circling what seemed to be a fight. "What did you call me you witch looking p*ssy?" called out the other voice which sounded like it was Merrida's. "I called you a boyfriend stealing whore." Katara retorted. That girl always had to be the center of attention. 'Probably didn't get enough attention from daddy and mummy,' I giggled to myself.

Sighing heavily, I was now pushing my way to the front of the huge crowd trying to see if I could stop this from getting physical. "Do you know what? You're tryin' to steal my ex why don't you steal my other leftovers as well huh? I'll let you know when I finish my lunch so you can take that as well." Katara smirked at her. Merrida had fire in her eyes. She took out her hoops then handed them to a bystander who's name I didn't know. If I didn't hurry, things were about to go down.

Angrily, she rolled up her sleeves, muttering curses towards Katara. Then she stopped. Smiled and turned away. The surrounding crowd started muttering in confusion, they were here for a fight not for this. By now I was near the front of the crowd, I was almost there. Katara scoffed at her, 'Oh goodness no. Please don't fuel her fire, Girl you're gonna get burned. Please I'm begging you don't do it' I chanted mentally as I broke through the crowd.

"What's wrong Merrida, waiting for him to come save you? Well I hope-" she started,

"Merrida no!" I yelled out. It was too late. Merrida's fist has connected to Kat's face so fast that it knocked her backwards. A silenced hushed over the crowd as everyone just processed what was going on. Then loud cheering erupted from the crowd egging Merri on to "Smash her face in". I knew that Merri was willing to comply, but I also knew she had strict parents who would kill her if they found out that she got in a fight. Just as she raised her fist again, she was trapped by two arms.

"Let me at her!" She screamed "Let go of me and let me show her how much she needs saving from me." Teddy just kept on holding her. He started to carry her away just as someone yelled out "The principles coming!" The crowd scattered just as quickly as they had come. I went up to Katara and whispered "My my my, your lesson shoulda been learned, but don't forget. Snitches get stitches." And with that I disappeared down to the staircase where Teddy was trying to calm Merri down.

He held her in a hug trying to sooth her rage down while she muttered angrily different profanities and curses. I couldn't help but awe at the cute couple together, I needed to take a photo. And so I did. When I was analyzing the photo, I noticed something dangling right on top of his head. My eyes widened when I realized what it was. "T-Te-Teddy." I stumbled "Y-You have a s-spider o-on y-your head," I was moving back very slowly as his eyes widened in horror. The boy was visibly shaking when Merri realized what was wrong. She let out a small scream and scrambled away from him, towards me, as fast as she could.

The 8 legged beast was a huge and hairy thing. It wasn't like your average everyday spider it was a whole tarantula looking thing with its super hairy legs. Looking at it sent chills down to my core. It took a lot of will power for me to not freeze on the spot. From the corner of my eye I thought I saw something dangling from the roof and I dashed myself to the corner, away from it. I looked up to notice it was a fluff ball and let out a sigh of relief. Merri let out a slight scream again when she saw the whole nest of webs in the corner. She was really trying to kill us through our arachnophobia.

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