Chapter 12

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At a round 3pm I was awoken by the sound of rustling. I opened my eyes to see a maid cleaning around me.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry but the young master requested I checked if you were alright." she was a sweet looking woman, older than my mother surely but she seemed sweet.

I turned to get my water bottle, taking some more sleeping pills I told her I was fine and went away from the real world once again. My head still hurt, and I had Sunday to deal with things.

When I woke up once again, a sweet aroma wafted into my nose. Waffles. With newfound energy I got myself up and out of the bed. Walking towards the little kitchen area I saw another note. It said

"good morning

I hope you slept well. Also I hope the waffles are still warm. They taste amazing, definitely one of my favourite dishes from susan (the maid). I just wanted to say that as much as I love having you here, my parents nearly went down to the pool house today and keeping you here is very risky. I mean if you want to stay its at your own risk but they are going out at 1 and wont be back until 5 sooooo yeaa if you don't mind... I don't want you in trouble with them nor do I wanna get in trouble.

I left you a gift by the door, its not a goodbye its just a parting."

Huh, I gotta go home. Taking a deep breath I braced myself for my mothers aggrevation. Today was going to be a long long day.


Getting home I almost successfully managed to get in unnoticed, until I heard my name being called. Ah my dear mother never misses anything

"what time do you call this?" she asked walking towards me.

"ummm" I replied "the afternoon?"

She snapped "thats not good enough" I went into your room and it was a mess" she came up to me and slapped me. "you have wrappers hidden and sweets. Do you not get fed enough, I mean look at you" she kissed her teeth "i did not raise such a greedy child, you need to work that weight off and you can cook dinner tonight. Put your things away and lets go. I will wait in my car" she gave me another dirty look before leaving.

At the top of the stairs, jordan smirked down at me "what a fatty" he taunted shoving me. At times like these I missed jeremiah. If only he were still here, I would never have known this jerk. Arrogant pig.

Not wasting any energy on him I went to my room. I was disappointed but not surprised at what I saw. My room was ransacked. Clothes were everywhere, my school things were spilt and there was trash everywhere. I heard laughter from behind.

"Oh look, the fatty pig is now in its natural habitat, a messy pigs sty." he was laughing so hard as e walked away.

I sighed and continued to grab a coat. Couldn't keep mother waiting. As much as I would like to hurt jordan as he had hurt me, he looked too much like jeremiah and that hurt. So as always, I took a deep breath and allowed it.

In the car, mum wouldn't talk to me. She played music and sang along but did not send a single direct look my way. I knew she was looking at me from the mirrors but what I didn't expect was her smacking me at the traffic light.

"why do you have an attitude? Huh ?" she spat "its disgusting and pathetic, you acting all sneaky, but I know it all. You think you can hide stuff from me? You cant" she was seething with rage. "Drop the attitude." she stated as she continued to drive off.

I couldn't do anything but comply, mother knows best after all. And its for the best, she did lose her mother and her nephew both of which she adored. She also nearly lost her sister as well but "its ok. I deserve it, I messed up" I thought to myself and looked out the window. I hummed along to the music only to be once again yelled at for not singing.

"heal the world, make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race.

There are, people dying. If you care enough for the living. Make I a better place for you and for me."

We finally reached the supermarket. She put on a smile and acted as if she did not just yell at me. "come on" she said as she got a shopping cart. I sighed this isn't the first nor is it the last tome this will happen.

Inside the shop it was like I was talking to a different person, we joked and laughed while getting the food. Only when I went for the pop tarts it all went south. I was just about to put them in the trolly when her hand connected to my face. "what did I say about loosing weight" she seethed, glaring at me. Some shoppers had stopped to watch the commotion. I said nothing and put the pop tarts back. "wait til we get home she muttered as she continued to shop past the prying eyes. I took a deep gulp knowing nothing good was gonna happen. I just prayed I would be saved.

Thankfully she received a call and was distracted for a good hour or so so I managed to retire to my room in peace. However she did come to my room and beat me again and again.

Once again I went to sleep with a tear stained face.

In the morning I had school. It was a long day but due to a fire started by one of the seniors, we could all go home early. It was just past lunch when she yelled at me again.

"How are you so stupid, you are my child. Why are you not getting 100%. 98 is not good enough, honestly you would think you were raised in a dogs house. Honesty ur so stupid" she continued to disregard my brains and sing jordans praises. For what? I don't know. I just continued to take her insults because of course – she knows best.

On the bright side, he and I were talking. It had come to the point where my convos with him were the highlight of my day. He always seemed to know how to cheer me up and for that I was thankful. I just prayed every night that he would never have to suffer in silence like this, and every night was ended with a "good night x"

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