Chapter 13

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Flashback- 7 years prior

"Mum why don't we celebrate Halloween like everyone else.

"Because we are Christian honey and celebrating Halloween is celebrating the devil, you don't want the devil in you do you?

"No mum, we rebuke the devil"

"Good girl, now get ready for church service today. We need extra service from all these demon rejoicers"

"Okay mum"

The young child didn't know any better, she prepared herself for church, wearing her favourite white dress to show how clean she was.

"I rebuke the devil, i rebuke the devil i rebuke the devil" She murmured as she got ready.

"Jayla what are you murmuring" Jeremiah asked as he walked into her room.

"Mum said we gotta rebuke the devil because it's Halloween so I'm rebuking the devil" she replied as she tugged at her crucifix necklace.

"Ohh okay."

"I rebuke the devil." she continued smiling.

"I rebuke the devil," he joined in.

"I rebuke the devil."

"i rebuke the devil."

"I REBUKE THE DEVIL!" They yelled together before bursting out laughing.

"Whats all that noise?" May exclaimed coming in, she looked stunning in her white dress,

"We are rebuking the devil" Jeremiah giggled.

"Do you even know what rebuke means?" May asked with a smile, the two of them were like twins and were never without the other. She envied their closeness but also appreciated her alone time.

"Ummm no?" Jayla said. "I just heard one of the aunties saying it every Sunday so yea"

She laughed and the two youngers joined in.

"Rebuking means to tell him go away" she explained as she helped Jayla fix her hair.

The two youngers nodded their head in understanding.

flashback over

"I rebuke the devil. I rebuke the devil. I rebuke the devil." I murmured in my sleep. Turning over, I faded out of the real world again.

Flashback: 3 years prior

"How can I rebuke the devil when he exists, he lives with me and he wont go away no matter how hard i pray." She sobbed into her pillow.

"Grandma what would you do about Jordan if you were still here today?" She asked the picture on her bedside cabinet.

It had been taken the day before the accident. They had a barbeque in the garden witht all the neighbours and she had just lost a game of tag. The adults had called her over and as she was getting food she went to give her grandma a hug. The both of them were smiling very hard, they were happy.

"I cant do it grandma, I cant be the strong person you want me to be, I cant keep smiling" she broke down further.

"T-the devil is in my home and there is nothing I can do about it"

Flashback over.


"Trick or treat fatty" Jordan called out bursting into my room.

"Come on cuz, pick one. Trick or treat?" Looking at him confused I wondered why he was so close to me. My gut believed it was a trick questions.

"Uhhh treat?"

"Ehhhh wrong answer dummy". He paced closer to me. A sense of dread began to come over me, what was he planning?

As he neared my bed, I scrambled out to try and get away from him. I wasn't fast enough as he caught a hold of my leg.

"Ah, no. Where do you think you're going? I need to give you your trick!" An unnaturally happy edge laced his voice leading me to believe that my gut was right.

Dragging me back onto my bed, he revealed a jagged edged knife from his back pocket.

"So, I was thinking this morning: every Halloween we have pumpkins, and we carve them right? We also roast pig and have that. So tell me why it took so long for me to figure out how to have twice the fun?" His eyes sparkled in a sadistic haze.

"I'd like to call this trick, Carving and roasting the piggy."

A fast and firm grip was placed on my jaw as he forced it open. Before I could scream, he shoved a red apple in my mouth muffling any sound i tried to make.

"I love the fear in your eyes, its so exciting." he sniggered. I wiggled around trying to get free from his straddled position.

"You know fatty, the more you struggle the more its gonna hurt right?"

Ceasing my movements I realised he was right. The more I moved, the more pain he was going to cause with his knife.


Slowly he brought out his knife and began to caress it across my face. I could feel each and every pointy edge and curve as he trailed it down towards my stomach.

"Ah, there's my favourite spot!" He exclaimed as he ripped my night shirt off. He began to trace lines with the tip of the knife as if he was drawing with a pencil on paper. Then he started adding pressure, causing my eyes to widen in fear. I knew what he was going to do, I just hoped he wouldn't fall through with it.

"Now, now, fatty." He began. "Should I knock you unconscious or should I let you feel the pain."

Straining against the apple, I tried to reason with him but all that came out were muffled noises.

"Oh you want me to knock you out," He joked. "Better squeal for me piggy."

With that, he stabbed me right in the stomach and began to cut and cut and cut. He showed no mercy as he hacked away at my stomach like a warrior practicing with a katana. I could feel myself falling to darkness as the world around be began to fade. My eyes started drooping because the pain was too much.

"No you don't" he said as he slapped me across the face.

"We haven't even reached the best part yet"


I'm sorry what?

Struggling to look at him I saw a raw shine of evil in his eyes. It was the devil in him. Laughter danced along his lips as he plotted further with the evil within him. His mind had been taken over and only god could save him now. Staring into his eyes warily, I began to pray.

"Dear Heavenly father,

I ask of you to come to me now and be with me and Jordan as we try to set aside our differences. Please heal him and rid the devil from him. I'm begging you, please take this pain away. I don't want to suffer anymore, I don't want him to have the devil in him. I-"

Tears poured out of my eyes as he began to burn me. The smell of burning flesh was overpowering and led me to believe that I was dying.

Finally my eye's lolled backwards and allowed me to escape this reality. The last thing I heard was.

"Happy Halloween piggy."


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