Chapter 23

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The calm before the storm, a phrase I use to hear a lot before something bad happened, staring out the window I couldn't help but agree. The outside was still, eerily so, there was no life nor love nor laughter. For once, the world had come to a stand still and had managed to live to see the day. Its amazing how everything can change and how little people noticed.

A dog can notice the slightest change in their owners moods, but humans are too careless, too selfish, to care for anyone other than themselves. That's why there are more people at a funeral than at a celebration- guilt hits harder than praise.

In the musical 'Hamilton', George Washington states "dying is easy young man, living is harder" and he's right, life is too hard. It takes everything good and leaves all the bad, that's why they are dead, its my fault that they are dead.

"Death doesn't discriminate, between the sinners and the saints. It takes. And it takes and it takes. And we keep living anyway. We rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes. And if there's a reason I'm still alive when so many have died.. " I laughed bitterly. "I'm not willing to wait for it."

Tomorrow was the day...

"How do you think dying feels?" I asked randomly. She gave me a knowing look and smiled.

"Well you see," Dasia began in a very grave tone, " I don't know... we gotta die first to figure that out"

Curtains closing...

"Dying is probably painful and then painless, I mean it depends on the cause of death really, why do you ask?" Cole questioned.

The end...

"Its the end of it all"

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