Chapter 2

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Michael Bublé sang out from my speakers, his voice vibrating along the walls. It was indeed a new week, who knew what it would be like.

For once I was ready on time, period cramps get you waking up earlier than necessary, so when Jordan called out to me I was already ready for him.

Once again my mother was at work, the woman worked herself to the grave. Ever since the incident 6 years ago she had been staying on high alert, we all had been... except for Jordan. He never realised how much danger he could potentially be in, but then again, he did have a fairly rough childhood.

As I watched him come down the stairs, I wondered about him, would he have changed? Would we still be bestfriends? Would he look like Jordan? "Yooo, fatty. Quit staring at me, it's weird." He said as he walked past me bumping my shoulder in a not so subtle manner. I winced as he smirked.

May God forgive him.

Sighing, I followed him to the car, he really needed to get his licence soon.

"I have seen snails move faster than you fatty." He sneered, I didn't reply. There was no point in poking the bear, it would have just been a waste of my energy. So we continued into school with our usual routine.

Of course, Dasia popped up out of nowhere, and walked with me into the school building

As we walked down the halls, it felt like I was being watched. I looked around and noticed no one staring, in fact most people were in deep conversations. "What's everyone talking about?" I wondered out loud. As we got to my locker, I had started feeling uneasy. As if something bad was about to happen. I took a deep breath preparing myself for what was to come.

As I turned to look at my locker, I noticed a note, it said "Do You Want To Play With Us?" in red ink. It was scratched on to create a more chilling effect.

Rolling my eyes, I realised it was probably some stupid prank someone was pulling. Dasia read it over my shoulder and laughed. "How terribly scary of these people, it's such a shame they remained anonymous, they should get an A for effort" she mocked them in a fake British accent. "Ahh, the spirit of the young mind never ceases to amaze me. Tell me love, do they do it for amusement?" I replied to her with a big grin, failing to stay in character.

I was pulling open my locker when all of a sudden a wave of tiny dolls came crashing out. Among them was a note: Can we play a game? it said, not creepy at all. I looked at it in amusement as I knew this was probably some sick joke.

The warning bell rang signalling that there was five minutes until classes started.

"Quick, help me shove these in the bin then let's get to class" I stated, worried that we were going to get a late mark.

"Oh relax I heard we have cover" Dasia claimed unbothered, science was ridiculously boring for the both of us but I cared about my perfect attendance. We cleared things up with two minutes to get to class. I hurried down the hallway with Day tagging along behind me knowing that I wasn't going to be late.

As we reached the classroom we heard noises. Yelling to be more specific. We definitely had a cover teacher. I wondered if we would make her cry like the last one.

"I bet you two brownies that she will call the head teacher" I bargained as we entered the classroom.

"Two brownies say she leaves crying" Day countered. We shook hands as it was a done deal.

Naturally, the class was going wild. Without a teacher, the students had turned on each other. A class tradition of sorts. Each team had to destroy the other in different activities, whether it was arm wrestling, arguing, dodging the paper planes/balls flying. The winner of the two teams gets to decide what we would do throughout the lesson. It was usually a good game of truth or dare but occasionally a fight broke out due to "unfairness and foul play". We usually got hit by the planes intentionally to be able to gossip and spectate the things going on around us.

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