Vol 1: Chapter 14: Demon Shadow

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Xuanji herself had no sense of what was happening.

She was having a weird dream, everything in the dream seemed to be covered with a thick layer of veil, preventing her from seeing it clearly. I am vaguely by the riverside, layered on top of each other along the riverside, and I don't know how many blood-red flowers have grown.

She stretched out her hand to pick it and crushed it, watching the blood-like juice flow down her palm to the ground, and she felt an indescribable sense of pleasure and familiarity in her heart.

Suddenly someone sat next to her and called her: "Xuanji, do you understand now?"

Understand what? She was at a loss.

"Do you want to see?" He was still asking.

What to look at? She still didn't understand.

"Only this time, let's not take it as an example. Let's take a look!" The man finished speaking and threw a small stone into the water. Ripples gradually appeared on the water surface, circle after circle, and finally turned into countless moving pictures.

She was curious at all, and couldn't help but leaning over to take a closer look-her heart suddenly throbbed, and the blood all over her body was pouring above her head.

Hmm...that is...that is? That is!

She was stunned, a familiar and distant feeling swept up, and she couldn't wait to stretch out her hand-what to catch!


Zhong Minyan stared at Xuanji's raised hand, ten fingertips, and his skin was as white as transparent, emitting a strange silver light and silver light in the dark? !

Before he could think about it, the Gu eagle behind him let out an earth-shattering roar, as if he had seen something terrible, fear and excitement, he only hesitated for a moment, and then resolutely pecked it down with a falcon!

Zhong Minyan closed his eyes tightly, listening to only a strange sound of wind in his ear, like a breeze passing through a bamboo forest, and like a continuous wind blowing over leaves, soft and brisk.

He quietly opened his eyes, only to see a silver shadow suddenly rushing out, almost inconceivable, and with its movement, the sound of the wind rang. It revolved around the Gu eagle, from top to bottom, from left to right, and because it moved very fast, it looked like a silver cage around the Gu eagle at first glance.

what is that? He opened his eyes in amazement, unable to move even when he was pressed by a strange pressure.

Seeing that the Gu carving was surrounded by the silver shadow, it seemed that he was still trying to get rid of it, but it was only in vain. The silver shadow tightened and tightened, and the Gu eagle gradually became unable to move. When the body was touched by it lightly, it trembled and couldn't restrain itself.

Zhong Minyan was not sure if he saw fear in the eyes of a Gu eagle. He was surprised. Suddenly he saw Xuanji's silver hand with a light wave. The cave suddenly burst into light, and his eyes felt a sharp pain and he hurriedly closed. superior.

He only heard two "hissing" noises in his ears, and suddenly he was shivered by something hot behind him.

Then there was silence, incomparable silence.

Zhong Minyan closed his eyes and waited for a long time, and opened his eyes hesitantly without hearing the slightest sound. At the sight is Xuanji's sleeping little face, no longer pale, no longer red, and returned to her normal complexion—no, even better. The two tender blushes on her cheeks reflected her black eyebrows and red lips. , beautiful no ratio.

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