Vol 1: Chapter 11: Catching the Demon (2)

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The girl on the back fell asleep slowly, with a sweet nose and a peaceful face. Zhong Minyan sighed in his stomach.

He was an arrogant child since he was a child, but he was the youngest among the disciples of Shaoyang, even if he tried his best, he couldn't compare to the senior brothers. He was really pleased to be able to participate in the mission of catching monsters in the Hairpin Conference this time, and he wanted to take this opportunity to perform well and win Master's favor.

In the end, he was here to carry someone else-he looked back at Xuanji, her blush was flushing, her eyelashes trembled slightly, she didn't know what she was dreaming. Alas, if the person who came was Linglong, everything would be different. Maybe he can combine two swords with Linglong, and have a few tricks against demons!

Why did the master let him write Xuanji's name, and why was the chosen Xuanji just useless?

He has always looked down on her, but now this contempt is mixed with some complicated emotions of compassion and inexplicability. She is like a wounded little pigeon, warm and soft, leaning quietly on his back, so that he can't say a single word.

Delicate Ling Long ...... or exquisite good. This girl failed to catch the demon, she must have lost her temper in Shaoyang Peak, right? Thinking of her cheerful appearance, he couldn't help but want to laugh, and his depressed mood seemed to be calmer.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly I heard a breeze blowing over my head. With a sigh of relief, the leaves fluttered, and the moonlight suddenly dimmed.

"Not good!" Chu Lei whispered. He has a long history of battle and experience. He immediately flipped his wrist. The red light in his sleeve flashed quickly, making a sharp chirping sound, and rushing out suddenly. . I saw a red light flashing across the air, leaving behind a string of residual fluorescence.

That is the spirit beast he raised-Hongluan. The people of Shaoyang Peak can tame ordinary demons by repairing the chain for more than ten years. They can feed the mountain spirit spring water and Kunlun Mountain jade branches and fruits every day to turn their demonic energy into spiritual energy and be driven by themselves.

Chu Lei's Red Luan has been raised for more than 20 years, and he is very fierce. He rushed out of his sleeves and screamed sorrowfully. Everyone saw the red light shooting into the air and a black shadow, hitting it twice, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhong Minyan was still looking in a daze, and someone reminded him: "Quick! You two take Xuanji to hide in the cave in front!"

He was shocked suddenly, only then did he realize that a demon had appeared. Seeing that there was a cave a few steps ahead, I didn't think much anymore, and ran over with Xuanji on his back. Just about to put her on the ground, she went out to see the situation by herself, but saw Yu Sifeng ran in from the entrance of the cave.

"Don't go out!" He said in a deep voice.

Zhong Minyan was irritable and said coldly, "You don't have to worry about me!" After he pushed him away, he was going to leave. Unexpectedly, he suddenly shot, grabbing his wrist like lightning, turning it around, and clasping his veins tightly with his fingers.

"I said, don't go out!" Yu Sifeng's voice was even colder, "You, not their opponent!"

Zhong Minyan didn't answer even more, and quietly flicked his other hand, tapping his middle finger on the back of his hand, and was about to press it down, but Yu Sifeng let go of his hand and backed away a few steps like an electric shock.

"Shaoyang School, don't be grateful!" He was a little surprised, "You actually know this!"

It is said that the method of cultivating the chain is extremely cruel. It is practiced repeatedly in boiling water and ice water every day. Ordinary people often do not know the essentials, and the skin on the palm of the hand will fall off again and again, which is painful. Only by not being afraid of suffering and repeatedly repairing the chain can you reach the realm of shooting like electricity and soft as cotton.

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