Part of a new family

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The bar was silent as everyone waited for Shigaraki's response, and said girl decided on trying to connect with Izuku a bit before she responded.

"Midoriya, do you know how villains are made?" Shigaraki asked.

Izuku was a bit put off by the question, him himself not knowing the proper answer. "Because, human nature?" He tried.

Shigaraki shook her head. "No, the only reason there are villains, is because there are heroes." She said.

Izuku opened his mouth to protest, but his eyes suddenly widened. 'She's right!' He thought.

'It made sense, most villains are villains because they were pushed to the point of villainy, I wonder if it's the same with her?' Izuku wondered, looking up to Shigaraki with a curious look.

Shigaraki, noticing the look, smiled lightly. "Yes, I'm the same, when I was younger, I couldn't control my quirk, and I accidentally killed my family, I ended up on the streets, and whoever I turned to for help, hero or not, they would kick me away at one look, ignoring me, I was lucky that sensei, a villain, mind you, took me in the first time she saw me." She explained.

"But as for your question." Shigaraki said, she stood up from the stool, moving to the front door, so that both Izuku and Stain could listen more intently. "I want to crush All Might, I want to destroy societies faith in heroes, to create a new, better society that can help everyone, regardless of what they look like, and what better way to start the reconstruction of a society then to erase the only pillar keeping society stable, All Might." She said, an arm outstretched as she replicated a crushing motion with her hand.

There was silence as Stain and Izuku both digested the information. "You, want to kill All Might?" They both asked, Stain in curiosity and Izuku hesitantly.

"As I said, we need to start with her in order to reconstruct this unjust society." Shigaraki finalized, her figure going slack somewhat.

"You're conviction, is interesting, I refuse to join you." Stain said first, standing up off the stool. "But I will come to your aid should you need it." She added.

Shigaraki smirked. "That's all I needed to hear, and what about you, Midoriya?" She asked, turning to said boy.

Izuku was looking down, a shadow overcasting his face as he gave this topic some thought.

"I-I, I get what you're saying." Izuku says, his voice low. "And, I want to help, but I'm not killing anyone!" He said firmly, making eye contact with Shigaraki.

Shigaraki smirked. 'If I'm right about you you'll be the cause of so much destruction.' "Of course, but keep in mind we will be killing people, so if it disturbs you you should look away." She informed.

Izuku shifted uncertainly, and Shigaraki froze as she realized that most likely wasn't a good turn.

"O-okay, fine, just give me a warning to something first, please?" Izuku asked, his eyes switching from Shigaraki's to Kurogiri's.

"Of course, Midoriya, now, how about you head off to bed, you look tired, I will fetch you a blanket, and don't worry, you will find the couch is much more comfortable than it looks." Kurogiri said, a misty arm pointing at a small couch that had a coffee table in front of it.

Izuku nodded, smiling lightly at the mist woman, before sitting down on the couch, a portal opening up next to him and dropping out a blanket, he took it and laid down.

'Nezu isn't the type to worry if I'm not back by morning, I can just convince her that I found a villain base or something.' Izuku thought slowly, feeling himself falling asleep.

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