The internship

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Izuku sighed as he walked down the street.

It was another boring day, where he had to look around for any signs of a robbery, or something of the sort while Nezu relaxed peacefully on the flat of a sword Izuku was hovering above his head, just a little behind himself.

For simplicity, and because there have been sightings of the League of Villains being reported in Hosu, Nezu had allowed Izuku to intern under her, and while Izuku would search for crimes to stop, Nezu would search for clues as to help find the League.

As for Izuku himself, Nezu had gotten him a small apartment room that he would stay in, right next to her own, who seemed entirely too eager to get away from the duties that every principal has to attend to.

The buzz of a phone was heard as Izuku looked over at Nezu, who's tea disappeared as she reached into her pocket.

"Who's that?" Izuku asked, noticing the sigh the rodent let out.

Nezu smiled sadly to him. "You remember the plan right? Well let's just say All Might suspects you, and I'm leading her on because I don't trust her enough to keep her mouth shut." She said simply.

Izuku nodded, not particularly bothered. "I see, then I have a feeling what I did a couple of days ago set off some red flags in her mind?" He asked.

Nezu chuckled. "Your intellect is quite something Midoriya, and yes, you are right, going on about how 'his bloodlust is starting to show' and that 'maybe I was wrong.'" She quoted, scrolling through the phone.

Izuku winced, those words had effected him somewhat, because of the promise he made to the number one hero.

"Do not let this discourage you, I assure you that anything that changes when you get back will be back to normal in no time." Nezu assured, smiling.

Izuku couldn't help but send her a smile in return, even if it didn't reach up to his eyes, which still looked disheartened.

"Thank you, but I'm much more worried about the media." Izuku said, sighing.

Nezu laughed at that. "Oh them? All I'd need to do is wave around some blackmail and they'll be dealt with, I can assure you of that." She said confidently.

Izuku chuckled at that, before looking back around, realizing he wasn't paying attention.

Izuku stopped, looking into an alleyway next to him, he could've sworn he had just seen something.

"Nezu, stay behind me, and I swear if you disappear on me I'm killing you." Izuku said hesitantly, walking toward the alleyway.

It was already getting late out, judging by the setting sun it was probably almost eight, and while the alleyway was lit dimly, it was definitely on the darker side.

Izuku had to squint his eyes as he walked deeper into the alleyway, the very quiet click of Nezu's dress shoes letting him know she was still behind him.

The alleyway reached a turn, and Izuku scrunched his nose up in disgust as the strong smell of blood made its way up his nose, he squatted down, noticing that there was blood dragging out around the corner.

Izuku went to stand, but Nezu suddenly grabbed the back of his shirt.

Izuku had made some improvements to his hero costumes, one of which being to remove the sword sheathes, but another being entirely different.

Izuku had gotten the support department to weld two of his swords into his boots, and with Izuku's help it was easy to do, but it also served as a mental workout for Izuku that helped considerably to keep the swords in the real world twenty four seven.

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