A fight and a fire

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I was just listening to random music when I heard this and was like, alright, Midoriya vs Todoroki time let's fucking go, battle of the wills before the battle of, uh, fists. XD

Uraraka and Bakugou both looked rather serious when they entered the arena, something which scared Izuku, since he hadn't seen many moments where either of the two girls looked as serious as they did now.

When Midnight announced that their match had begun, they had both walked to each other, and seemed to talk for a moment before jumping back away from the other.

Izuku narrowed his eyes. 'What could they be talking about?' He wondered.


"If you haven't figured out by now, I'm not going to hold back, because I'm sick of the way you keep looking at Izuku." Katsumi said, glaring at Uraraka, who glared back.

"Yeah, well I'm sick of the way you two act all lovey dovey, I'm not going to give up on him." Uraraka responded.

"Tch, fine then."

The two females jumped away from each other, and they made a silent agreement that that was the proper start to the match.

Katsumi watched as Uraraka dashed forward, only for Katsumi to explode the ground beneath her, causing her to fly back.

Uraraka pointlessly kept trying to do this, Katsumi harshly exploding her away over and over.

Some of the heroes in the stands didn't like this however, thinking that it was cruel.

"Shut up!"

Katsumi smirked as she recognized Izuku's voice, instantly silencing the criticism the heroes were sending her way.

"Shut up and watch! Katsumi knows that Uraraka can't touch her, or it's game over for her, but she also can't risk hitting her with too big an explosion, because on one hand it could kill her, and on the other hand it'll create too much smoke, which Uraraka can use to sneak up on her!" Izuku informed strictly, glaring at the heroes.

"Well said." Aizawa commented, making the heroes who spoke out feel further embarrassed.

Uraraka grit her teeth as she threw her coat through the thin layer of smoke caused by one of Katsumi's explosions, and Katsumi turned to the object, but her eyes widened as she realized the trick, and she dodged back, Uraraka just barely missing the blond.

Katsumi glared at Uraraka, who looked too tired to continue on. "What now?" She asked. "Stop pushing yourself so hard and give up already, it's clear who the winner is here." She added.

Uraraka glared at Katsumi, who kept a firm expression on her face, still on guard.

Uraraka suddenly grinned however. "No, I don't think I will give up, because he wouldn't either in this situation, and you know what? Thanks to your destructive nature I managed to beat you." She said confidently.

Katsumi rose a brow questioningly, before her eyes widened, as she looked around to see many holes in the ground from her explosions.

'But no debris.' She thought.

"Meteor shower!" Uraraka yelled.

She placed her hands together, and Katsumi glared as she looked up, finding a large amount of debris fall towards her.

"Tch, I'll admit that was smart, but that was far too cocky of you to think it'll beat me!" Katsumi said placing both her palms upwards.

She ignored Uraraka, who was charging at her as fast as she could go, and released a massive explosion straight up into the sky.

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