Sports event #2

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Inko ignored the tv, showing how Izuku, Katsumi, a girl name Mei Hatsume, and surprisingly Mineta, we're teamed up for the second event of the sports festival, instead listening to Hisashi's heartfelt explanation over the phone.

She felt tears prick at her eyes as he explained the actual part that made him stay away for so long.

"To sum it all up, I simply couldn't return to you two with the greatest villain of, well, possibly ever, on my trail, I couldn't risk them getting to you two, but I managed to learn that said villain was unable to do anything herself after an event some years ago, if only I'd broke out sooner, I'm sorry, I really am, I understand if you don't want to see me ever again." Hisashi said quickly, finding Inko's silence extremely uneasy.

"Just come home, we'll talk more when you get here." Inko responded, the tears she had fought to held back coming out. "I understand, so just please, come home." She pleaded.

Hisashi smiled sadly on his end, still in the airport. "Same place as before?" He asked.

"Same place as before." She responded quickly.

"I'll be there soon." Hisashi said.

The words he had wished to say for eleven years, and the words that Inko had wished to hear for eleven years, finally said.

Hisashi was coming home.


All For One smirked creepily in the room she was in.

She had just conjured the most splendid idea she ever had.

She had just figured out that Izuku Midoriya, was Hisashi Midoriya's son, the same man who had suddenly disappeared after escaping her prison a month ago, she didn't know how she had failed to see the connection before, but it was there, and she had just figured out the perfect way to convert Izuku to the side of evil.

'After all, what better excuse would there be than to get him to kill the man who had left him for eleven years?' She thought, grinning sadistically as she prepared to set the stage in her mind.

Oh how she would relish in the play she was about to set up.

She just needed time.

And time was certainly something she had an abundance of.


Izuku's eyes widened as he heard the news.

His headband was going to be worth one million!?

He suddenly felt all eyes on him, all his potential allies, turning into potential enemies as soon as the words escaped Midnight's mouth.

Teams were already starting to get formed, and Izuku needed to form a plan quick.

He couldn't go to Iida or Uraraka, Uraraka had teamed up with Kirishima, Sero and Ashido since Katsumi had declined their offer, while Iida went with Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Kaminari.

Asui had gone with Tokoyami and Shoji to create quite the impressive defensive formations, where she would hide in Shogi's arms, while he tanked attacks from the front, Tokoyami also in the darkness, to charge Dark Shadow and make his offensive and defensive tactics shoot through the roof.

'Truly incredible, WAIT I NEED TO FIND A TEAM!' Izuku chastised himself as he searched around for anybody still not having found a team.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Katsumi. "I had a feeling this would happen, let's team up Izuku." She said, smirking.

Izuku blushed, recalling the events of last chapter, before nodding. "Sure." He said.

Another girl named Mei Hatsume approached them, wanting to show off her inventions, and then they basically forced Mineta to join them after Izuku got an idea.

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