Round one, quirk marriage

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Inko and Hisashi embraced in a hug the moment they saw each other, tears leaving Hisashi's eyes while waterfalls poured from Inko's.

"Hisashi, we've missed so much, I've missed you so much." Inko said, not knowing where to start.

Hisashi calmly rubbed the small of Inko's back, smiling. "It's okay, we have lots of time, I can stay as long as you want now that I'm done." He responded. "But first, it looks like Izuku made it to the final round of the sports festival, how about we go surprise him?" He asked, wiping away a stray tear of Inko's.

Inko sniffled as she stopped herself from crying even more, before realizing she was still in PJ's. "Alright, let's go! Just give me a second!" She said enthusiastically, running to her room, no, their room.

Inko smiled, once more feeling like a schoolgirl as that thought crossed her mind, all giggly.


Izuku sighed as he stared at Todoroki, who had suddenly pulled him down an entrance tunnel to the festival's field. "What is it?" He asked, noticing the heavy glare she was sending him.

"I can tell now, just how strong, and just how cunning you are Midoriya, I was right to say I was going to beat you, without using my left." The last part she had only mumbled, but Izuku heard it, and slightly wished he had brought his notebook.

Maybe it has something to do with Endeavour?

"What's the point of telling me this?" He asked.

Todoroki looked Izuku in the eyes, before sighing. "I acknowledge you're strength, and want to beat you without using my left side, no, her side." She said. "To prove to my mother that I can beat the strongest without his help." She added.

Izuku's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Todoroki looked down. "Have you heard of quirk marriages?" She asked.

'Oh. Now I get it.' Izuku thought, connecting all the pieces in his head.

"I'm the product of such a thing, my father was forced to marry Endeavour to create someone with a dual quirk, me, so that I can surpass All Might, since she herself can't. But because of Endeavour he went mad, and ended up in a hospital, deemed too crazy to be allowed to interact with his own children, every thought I have of him, he's always had this look in his eye, he was always scared, of Endeavour, of my mother." Todoroki said, frowning as she placed a hand on the burn scar over the left side of her face.

She grit her teeth as she thought back to the day she had acquired the scar.

Her father had this look in his eyes when he had looked back at Todoroki, and he was scared of her, his five year old daughter.

He had grabbed the teapot, the boiling teapot, and had thrown it at her.

"Tch." She looked away and started to walk, before Izuku said something.

"Two questions, one, how does this dual quirk thing work? Did your father have a quirk?" Izuku asked, confused.

Todoroki looked back, and shook her head no. "No, but his family had produced quite a long line of ice quirks, and Endeavour had hoped the genes might've awoken mixed with her own." She informed.

"Creating you." Izuku mumbled. "Second question, who are you?" He asked.

Todoroki was taken aback by the question. "I'm Sho-"

"That's not what I meant." Izuku interrupted, glaring at the girl. "Are you Endeavour?" He asked.

"No bu-"

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