Surgery and bedrest

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"What?! Why would he need surgery!? He just got a burn at best!" Katsumi yelled angrily, Uraraka, Asui and Kirishima had also come to check up on the boy, wanting to see if he was okay.

Recover Girl sighed impatiently as she resisted the urge to smack the blond with a cane. "I already told you, he's getting surgery because bits of that steel gauntlet he made had melted into his arm, even affecting down to his muscle tissue and bones, I'll be able to fix it, but the surgery will leave scarring, now get out of here, I have to get to work, if I hurry he might be able to get to the next round." She explained.

Katsumi's eyes widened. "What if he doesn't recover on time?" She asked worriedly.

Recover Girl froze, and she looked back to see the worried look on Katsumi's face, before sighing. "Then he'll have to give up his position to Todoroki." She explained, before closing the door.

"What, but that's not fair for Midobro." Kirishima said quietly, hanging her head down.

Uraraka gripped her fists as Asui placed a hand on her back, calming her down.

"Ribbit, there's no need to get worked up Ochaco, he's lucky he didn't die from that attack." She said.

Uraraka walked off, glaring at Katsumi because, well she just needed something to be angry at.

Katsumi let out a furious breath, before sitting down roughly on a bench just outside the door. "Can't fucking believe this." She mumbled angrily.

Kirishima sat down next to her, smiling lightly. "Bakugal, I understand this is hard for you, but you of all people should know this by now, there's no way Izuku is gonna take not advancing lying down, he's not that type of person." She informed, smiling wider.

Kirishima gave her her shark toothed grin as she realized Katsumi was clearly calming down by her words.

"Yeah, yeah, and if isn't up by the time it's his turn, then we'll just have to resort to some more forceful means." Katsumi said to herself, huffing afterwords.


Endeavour didn't know what to think when she saw Shoyo using her flames, especially since she had overheard their conversation, having paid close attention to it.

She reflected on the words Izuku had told her, and grunted as she walked down the hall, in deep thought.

'She's you daughter, not your masterpiece.' She thought to herself, repeating the words in her head over and over again.

"Tch. That boy is just trying to confuse me, he's simply afraid of her." Endeavour's eyes widened in realization.

'Her, you don't say such a thing to a painting, or a tool, you say it to a person.' She thought, feeling past memories start to weigh her down.

She found herself standing still as more and more thoughts flooded into her mind. 'She's my daughter, she, her, this whole time, oh god, what have I done?' She thought in distress.

Endeavour sat onto the ground, leaning against a wall as she brought a hand up to her hair, raking her hand through it.

'What have I done?' She repeated in her head.

"Um, excuse me, do you know where the medical ward is?"

Endeavour looked up to see two people, a man and a woman, most likely married, looking at her in curiosity.

Endeavour looked up to meet their eyes, when she realized something. 'Could these be that boy's parents?' She wondered, observing all of the similarities.

She almost laughed to herself, so this was the difference between her and normal parents, they care for their son, just as she should care for her daughter.

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