Dreams, the festival

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Izuku's eyes widened as a deep blush creeped up his face.

He tried to lean up from his laying position on his bed, but a hand stopped him from doing so, lightly pushing him back down on his back.

"K-Katsumi." He stuttered, watching as the ash blond slowly took her top off, her undergarments matching in the dark black shade.

"Shh, it's okay, just leave everything to me". She said lustfully, slowly lowering herself down, slicking her cool hands up Izuku's shirt, sending pleasant shivers through his spine.

She slowly lowered herself until her arms were wrapped around the back of his neck, and she kissed the boy passionately, Izuku kissed back, the passion starting to get replaced with lust as Katsumi asked for entrance, another shiver going down Izuku's spine as she nicked the bottom of his lip with her teeth.

"Eep." Katsumi suddenly drew back, blushing a furious shade of red as she looked back to see a tent in Izuku's shorts, standing at attention directly along the back of her butt.

Izuku froze as Katsumi grinned. "Well look at you, guess we have to do something about that." She said, licking her lips as she slowly crawled down to Izuku's shorts.


Izuku slammed a fist down hard on his alarm clock, shattering the poor thing as his eyes shot open.

He sat up in bed abruptly, sweating a great amount as he raked a hand through his hair.

"Goddamn, that one was so real." He mumbled to himself, just taking a moment to collect himself.

It had been happening lately, dreams where Izuku and Katsumi would go much farther than just a simple kiss, but this last dream was nothing like the others, it was too real.

'Fucking hormones.' He thought, taking a deep breath, calming himself.

He waited for his heartbeat to slow down before actually getting up from bed, getting himself ready for the day.

Izuku stopped as he noticed a book that he left on his desk last night.

His mom had gotten it for him some time ago, but he hadn't bothered to actually read it until recently.

The cover of the book was literally 'things to expect going into the teen years.' And Izuku sighed as he realized that what he had just experienced was essentially a wet dream, even if the two hadn't gone all the way.

'Fucking hormones.' He thought again, remembering it was the day of the sports festival, and he still hadn't taken his new costume design to the support course.

He ended up just sighing. 'I'll just take the designs after the sports festival, nobody there would be able to work on the gear anyways, getting ready for the sports festival and all.' He thought, slipping on his backpack.

He grabbed his bento box from the fridge, smiling at the note Inko had left him, before exiting the house.


Katsumi couldn't control her blush the moment she laid her eyes on Izuku, she hadn't realized at first, but he's starting to lose his baby face, and along with his muscles, starting to look much more chiseled.

In fact, the only reason she had noticed this was because of the dream she had last night, which is simultaneously the reason she's blushing.

To put it simply, she had a dream where Izuku was working with his fingers, down there, and she hated that it felt so life like, but at the same time couldn't help but wonder how good it would feel if the two were actually going to, well, do it.

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