Introductions, and a date?

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Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding, very glad that the invisible girl wouldn't actually get expelled.

"It was just a physiological ruse to get you all to do your best." Aizawa said, ignoring Iida's discouragement.

The invisible girl visibly fell on her knees, and was clearly thankful that she could actually stay. "Oh thank god, I made it." She said quietly to herself, clearly a tad shocked by what Aizawa had said.

Overall, Izuku himself didn't place very high, with a girl named Yaoyorozu placing first, Todoroki placing second, Bakugou, or Katsumi third, and finally himself at fourth.

In fact, he actually managed to get infinity on one of the tests, in long jump, he would place a sword on the ground, jump up on it, then repeat, until Aizawa gave in and just scored his mark as infinity. It wasn't that unlike what another girl who was very short and had balls for hair did, except she slipped and only got oh so many points.

"Alright, everybody get changed and head back to class." Aizawa announced, walking off.

Izuku sighed as he realized he'd have to wait again, and leaned against the wall, right next to the changing room door, and waited, as Iida, Uraraka and Katsumi a bit after the first two, said bye.

Izuku only had to wait ten minutes this time, before Katsumi opened the door again and told him he could come in.

"Thank you." Izuku thanked, waiting for Katsumi to leave the room first before getting changed.


Once Izuku entered the classroom, Aizawa zipped herself up into her yellow sleeping bag.

"Alright, now that I know you all have at least a milligram of potential in you, introduce yourselves to the class." She said, before flopping down onto the ground.

Everybody stayed silent for a moment, before the first person walked up.

"Good morning everyone! My name is Tina Iida from Somei private academy! My quirk is engine, which gives me engines at the back of my calves that I may use to move at very high speeds. It's a pleasure to meet you all!" Iida introduced.

More of the class seemed to be more confident to go up next after Iida's strong start, and a girl with raven black hair walked up next.

"Hello, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, and I hope we all become great friends, my quirk is creation, which allows me to create any inanimate object using my body fat, and during its creation it has to appear from an exposed part of my body, like my arm." Yaoyorozu introduced, before demonstrating her quirk.

"Ooh me next!"

The invisible girl from before walked up next, her voice cheery. "My name is Toru Hagakure! I like sweet things and hate people who judge others based on appearance, my quirk is invisible, which as you can see, makes me invisible!" Hagakure walked, or more like skipped, back to her seat.

"My name is Eijira Kirishima, I Love watching red riot, because of how womanly she is! My quirk is harden, which makes me harden any part of my body like a sharp rock." Kirishima introduced, hardening her arm to demonstrate.

"I'm Mina Ashido! I like the colour pink! And my quirk is acid, and it lets me shoot acid from any part of my body, but I can concentrate it best when it come from my palms." Ashido introduced giddily.

Next, it was a girl who took her time to stand at the podium, flipping her hair every now and then. "Bonjour, mon amis, Je suis Yuya Aoyama, I like sparkly things, and my quirk is laser, which lets me shoot a laser beam out of my stomach." Aoyama introduced flamboyantly.

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