Fight between lovers

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Izuku didn't like putting all his trust into something, but after what Hisashi had said to him, he knew that he needed to know the plan, no.

He needed to know the new plan, Izuku's plan, and while it's going to depend on all sorts of things, he could only hope that it would work.

Then again, it wasn't going to be going into effect for some time, hopefully.

He hated that he was doing this to Nezu, who had gone through the scenarios already to form the perfect plan, but as far as Izuku sees it, this new plan was better, and in order to convince everyone, including Nezu, he needed to ditch the rodents plan, even if many of the parts of it was included in the new plan.

But if the information he and Hisashi had traded was all true, then it could work.

If things turn out for the worst, he will likely fill Nezu in somehow, but that's only if things took a turn for the worst.

Right now, he has a match to settle.

"AAAAAAAAND we're here folks! The final battle of the sports festival! And here we have two very fierce competitors for the final battle! Izuku Midoriya, who's shown such speed and intellect that one could call him a mastermind, and Katsumi Bakugou, whose arsenal of unique attacks and cusses helped her blast to where we stand now! Now! The final fight begins now!" Hizashi exclaimed, extremely excited, even Aizawa was greatly interested in how this fight would turn out.

The crowd cheered and screamed in impatience at Hizashi's words, equally excited.

Izuku and Katsumi both nodded to the other once as they both moved into a stance, preparing to attack.

"Are you both ready!?" Midnight asked, her whip flailing out in front of her, she too, was quite excited to see how this fight would go.

In one of the tunnels to the field, Inko walked up next to Hisashi, gripping firmly onto his hand. "Katsumi, is very strong, probably even stronger than that Todoroki girl, I'm afraid Izuku will get really hurt again." She admitted.

Hisashi didn't know what to say to that, but leaned down and planted a quick kiss to his wife's cheek. "Don't worry hun, if he thinks he can't win he wouldn't be fighting, we just have to be as supportive as we can." He explained, smiling.

The two men had made an agreement not to fill in Inko about it until the plan was in action, as the woman was terrible at keeping secrets, but at the very least she wouldn't have to worry when the day came.

Izuku took a calming breath as he nodded his head. "Always." He answered Midnight, who nodded to him.

Katsumi lowered herself a bit further, her stance wide as she thought of blasting off first things first. "Yeah." She grunted, Midnight nodded at her as well.

"Begin!" She shouted, cracking her whip.

Everyone watching leaned forward in anticipation, while Izuku and Katsumi stayed still, both of their faces scrunched up in confusion and distaste as each played different methods of attack in their heads.

It took some time, but eventually, both teens seemed to settle on a decision, and in sync, took a step towards the other, then another, and another, then into a light jog, then into a sprint.

"KATSUMI!" "IZUKU!" They shouted out, the battle between the two starting with a shout.

Katsumi launched up with her explosions, putting both palms out as she rained down many mini explosions from the sky.

Izuku manifested his swords, and upon trying to block one, the object flew out of his hand in retaliation, Izuku smirked as he dashed around the ash blond, who was intent to rapid fire the explosions from her place in the air.

Just you wait, world!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz