Fighting the creature

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Izuku marvelled at how expertly Aizawa was dealing with the villains, using her capture gear as well as using their quirks against the others, and even against themselves.

He looked over to the girl with hands on her body, and the big black abomination of a girl standing tall, almost looking lifeless next to the girl with hands.

Then another person appeared, a cloud of dark purple mist with glowing yellow eyes seemed to say something to the girl with the hands all over the body, before he heard said girl curse loudly.

"Fine then, if we can't get at the students, let's take care of the nuisance in front of us."

Now that he heard!

Izuku dashed forward the same time the hand girl did, barely being faster than her, he kicked her outstretched hand away. "I don't know who you are, but you better think twice if you think I'll let you get one over on miss Aizawa." Izuku said, smiling.

Speaking of, Aizawa had just finished off the last of the villains before she turned to see Izuku just a few feet from her, staring down the hand villain.

Izuku dashed forward, but the hand girl screamed bloody murder, and Izuku found himself receiving an elbow to the stomach, falling to the ground.

'Damn she's fast.' He thought, wincing as he tried to stand, unsuccessfully.

The hand girl dashed at Aizawa again, but this time the teacher was ready.

Aizawa threw his weapon at the villain, which she dodged, still running towards her, Aizawa dashed forward as well, slamming an elbow into her chest.

"Wow, Eraserhead right? That had some power behind it, you really trained hard." The hand girl, complimented?

Izuku's eyes widened in shock as he noticed that the hand girl had actually caught the elbow, and subtly noticed Asui, Mineta and Sato across from himself, near one of the water zones.

"What the?" The sound of Aizawa's voice turned his head back to her, and noticed the jacket around her elbow was starting to turn gray.

"Miss Aizawa jump away! It's a quirk!" Izuku shouted.

Aizawa, upon realizing the quirk was starting to chip away at her flesh, did as told, jumping back, before enacting phase two of her plan. "Don't worry about me, this fight is over." She said confidently.

In her peripheral vision, the hand girl noticed the capture weapon still flattened beside her, and only had time to curse as Aizawa lifted it, wrapping it around the hand girl's ankle, before pulling hard.

The hand girl slipped as Aizawa dragged her towards herself at a high speed, when she got close enough, Aizawa lifted the capture weapon, swinging her high into the air, before pulling her down, simultaneously jumping up, kneeing her falling body square in the chin.

She flew back up from the blow, and Aizawa unwrapped her capture weapon.

She flew into a purple portal, flying up a good two feet off the ground next to the girl in purple mist, before landing on her back.

"Uuugh, fucking Eraserhead, Tch, that was a good blow." She said, standing up, rubbing her chin. "Unfortunately, I'm not the final boss, Nomu, kill Eraserhead." The hand girl said, pointing at Aizawa.

Just you wait, world!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن