A quirk?

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"Wait, you mean he has a quirk?" A lady asked, a little boy standing next to her, the both of them standing in front of a nurse.

"Yes, and from the looks of things it's very powerful." The nurse replied, showing the lady a data graph. "Mrs. Midoriya, with this quirk, it's highly likely that your son could easily be the greatest hero, well, ever!" The nurse added on.

Midoriya, the lady, took the data graph, noticing that it had some information on it.

"Sensory swords, has swords that he can summon at any time to use, anybody he strikes, or simply touches, with these swords will feel pain in that part of the body the blade touches, unimaginable pain, that he can control, increasing or decreasing it's output." Midoriya said, reading aloud.

"This is incredible! This completely overrules everything we know about quirks and humanity itself!" The nurse said in a whisper shout.

"It is, Izuku is probably the only man to have a quirk in history." Midoriya said, thinking hard. "Excuse me, but can this be kept confidential? Until he's old enough it could be bad for him if this information gets out." She said, looking up at the nurse.

The nurse looked back, making eye contact, and her excitement vanished as she sighed. "I see, even if this is groundbreaking news, I must say I agree." Another sigh." Fine, this will be kept secret, only you, me, and Izuku will know about it." She said.

The nurse's fingertips then caught on fire, torching the document that Midoriya gave back to her.

"Top secret." She then said, dusting off the ashes into a garbage bin.

"Thank you." Midoriya bowed to the nurse, before picking her son up and walking away.


Izuku, that was his name, or that is his name rather, he can be seen smiling purely, walking after three girls his age just in front of him, it was clear to see that they were all young, no older than six.

"Where we going today Kacchan?" Izuku shouted out.

"Just you wait Deku! We're almost there!" Kacchan, who's name is actually Katsumi, responded, walking forward in the lead.

"Yeah Deku! You just stay back there, keep up if you can!" Another girl, who's fingers seemed to elongate, added.

The third girl stayed silent, something that made Izuku smile a bit brighter, usually all three of them would pick on him, for being a boy.

After all, it was common knowledge that boys don't have quirks, and are barely expected to be influential at all in life, it was too bad his mom had told him not to tell anybody he had a quirk.

It was then that Katsumi started walking across a log, and just as the others followed, just as Izuku stepped on the log himself, she fell off, falling into the creek below.

Being the ever so compassionate boy he was, Izuku jumped down after her, running to her side. "Kacchan! Are you okay?" He asked, worried.

He reached out his hand to her, who sat in the bright blue creek water, rubbing at her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, finally, and saw Izuku above her, it was not a welcoming smile that she gifted him, but rather a fierce glare, she stood up, pushing him away. "I'm fine." She responded angrily.


Izuku stared intently at the wooden log that stayed upright in front of him, and he called upon his swords in his head, their forms manifesting in his hands.

He gripped tightly around them, before running towards the log as fast as he could, for a thirteen year old, he was rather fast.

He ducked down, passing it by on the right side, cutting it with his left blade, before pivoting on his left foot, turning and slicing the log again, but with the sword in his right hand.

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