Date night

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Izuku stared at the door for a moment, mentally preparing himself, before ringing the doorbell to Katsumi's house.

It was quiet, and the sun had already fallen, meaning the only light on the street was given by the multiple lampposts.

Izuku smiled to himself, counting his lucky stars that it wasn't a rainy day today, even if he did check beforehand.

'Alright Izuku.' He thought. 'Focus, you're going to take her to the restaurant, enjoy a nice dinner, then find the perfect opportunity to give her your present, and confess.' He thought, blushing. 'Not that hard.' He added in.

Katsumi opened the door, and Izuki immediately went beet red.

Katsumi looked, beautiful, there was no doubt of that, and the blushing look, with the way she kept tucking a hair behind her ear, at just the right moment.

"Beautiful." Izuku mumbled. "You look beautiful tonight, Katsumi." He said, smiling her way.

Katsumi blushed the moment she opened the door, Izuku himself looked rather handsome, she had never imagined him in a tux before, but he clearly managed to fit the bill as the hottest guy she knew.

"You look very handsome today as well, Izuku." She responded, blushing.

Izuku raised his hand out, and Katsumi took it.

"Come on, we don't want to be late." Izuku said, lightly pulling Katsumi, who smiled and walked alongside him.


Katsumi's eyes went wide as she stared up at the restaurant. "Izuku, you do know that this is one of the, no, the best restaurant in Japan right? From the food, to the view, this is just, too much." She said.

Izuku smiled, blushing as he looked at her. "For you? Only the best would suffice." He said.

Katsumi blushed as the two walked forward.

When the two entered the restaurant, they were both awestruck, everything was so, shiny! And perfect!

"Excuse me, may I help you?" A lady asked politely, walking up to the two.

Izuku smiled at the lady. "Yes, I made reservations for a table for two." He responded.

"Name?" The lady asked, grabbing a clipboard and looking up at him expectedly.

"Izuku Midoriya." Izuku responded.

"Of course." The lady responded, after finding the name on her clipboard and crossing it off. "Come this way please." She said.

Izuku and Katsumi looked at each other, smiling, before following the lady.

The place wasn't that busy, which was to be expected since it was nearly seven thirty, meaning that there was only a little bit of idle chatter going on.

"Here you are." The lady said, pulling out the chairs on a table for two, taking off a small note with a name on it.

Izuku and Katsumi both thanked the lady, who smiled back at them. "Here is our menu, and what would you like to drink today?" She asked.

"Just water please." Izuku responded, smiling.

"Same." Katsumi added.

The lady nodded, before walking off. "I'll be right back with your drinks, in the meantime I hope you find our specials to look quite appealing." She advertised.

Izuku and Katsumi both took a look at the menu, both marvelling at the look of the exquisite food, but also at the high prices.

"Izuku." Katsumi whispered, gaining his attention. "Don't tell me you're paying for all this." She said, astounded.

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