Chapter Eighteen: Dead Man Walking

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*Hey, friends! I published the chapter for the Past Troubles remake. This is published on July 30, 2021. If you guys like this chapter, don't be afraid to comment and vote. That will be greatly appreciated! Trigger Warning: There will be violence, domestic abuse, mentions of domestic abuse, rape(a tiny bit of it though), and mentions of abortions. If this triggers you in any way, please skip over it(even though there's an important plot point). This will be an emotional chapter, so grab your tissue boxes. Enjoy!*

The next day arrived as Derek was making waffles on the waffle-maker he created in the kitchen of the farmhouse while drinking coffee to keep himself awake. He barely had any sleep last night since he's always keeping watch for the Rattler Society. It's normal for the older elephant to not sleep at all. Was it good for his health? Maybe not. But he knew he could sleep for an hour or so before waking back up to keep watch.

His paranoia was greater than his confidence. The Rattler Society was not stupid. They knew that he's still out there. They didn't forget about him, they're just prolonging his death. And he's helping them by escaping out of their grasp.

"Whoa," A meek girl's voice uttered as Derek turned quickly to see Meena standing by the doorway leading into the kitchen.

Meena winced a bit in shock.

"Sorry. You just snuck up on me, kid," Derek replied while looking at the waffle-maker. "I'm making waffles. Do you want some?"

"Uh...sure," Meena answered with a shrug.

Derek smiled and checked to see if the waffle-maker was done. He looked at Meena. "Would you like some butter and syrup with that?"

"Yes please."

Derek turned on the machine that took out a butter knife and spread the melted butter on the waffle while the other part of the machine poured the maple syrup for the rich smell. Derek picked up the plate once that's done as he placed it on the table for the young elephant to eat. "Here you go."

Meena smiled as she sat on the chair and scooted forward to the table. She began to eat the waffle Derek made, humming a bit.

"This is delicious," Meena complimented.

Derek cornered a grin while making another waffle for himself. "Thank you. Uh...would you like anything to drink? I got coffee, milk, orange juice--"

"C-Could I get some orange juice?" Meena requested politely.

"Yeah, yeah," Derek replied while taking out the huge liter of orange juice and a glass cup. He poured the orange juice into the glass cup with his trunk and placed it on the table beside Meena.

"Thanks," Meena chirped while Derek closed the cap of the orange juice.

"No problem," Derek said while putting the orange juice back in the fridge. He closed the fridge and waited for his waffle to be made. He sat next to Meena and stared at her for a moment to notice some details about the young elephant girl. He bit his lip as he turned away from her.

" you like sports?" Derek questioned.

"I don't watch sports," Meena answered while chewing her food.

There's a brief awkward pause.

"Yeah, me neither," Derek responded as Meena swallowed her food.

Meena tilted her head in confusion for a little until she realized that the older elephant was trying to start a conversation with her.

" have a favorite sport?" Meena asked Derek.

Derek blinked a bit in disbelief. "I used to be able to watch hockey. But there aren't any hockey players anymore since there are not many arctic animals playing anymore."

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