Chapter Seventeen: A Safe Place

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*Hey-o friends! I'm back with another chapter of Past Troubles. I almost cried writing Chapter Eighteen(yes, I wrote ahead of this story), the next chapter will be a tear-jerker! Okay, that is all folks! This is published on July 28, 2021. If you guys like this chapter, please be sure to vote and spam the comment section. That will be greatly appreciated. Enjoy!*

The white van, followed by the green truck, drove out of Catalonia and into the farmland that had luxurious amounts of grapefruits and apples to go along with the group.

The white van turned into the little small farmhouse and opening the garage. The van parked in the garage along with the green truck next to it. When the garage began to close, the small little platform under the cars was pulled under the ground mechanically.

When the platform reached under the ground, the lights flickered on to reveal the underground hideout as the van rumbled towards the parking space created for it. The green truck found a parking place right next to it.

The platform raised back towards the garage above them.

Derek got out of the van first as he walked around and opened the back doors for everyone inside. "Welcome to the safe place."

Buster, Ash, Maya, Johnny, Alfonso, Eddie, Mike, Nancy, Johnny's father, Nooshy, and Barry walked out of the van with wide eyes in fascination and gasps from the other group in the green truck.

Stan got out of the truck while Rosita and her kids wandered through the hide-out that was humongous compared to their backstage. Gunter, Porscha, Milla, Meena, Ms. Crawly, Herman, Tim, and McGraw let their gazes searched around the place.

"What is this place?" Stan gasped.

"I wish our hideout was bigger like this," Johnny's father muttered to himself.

Derek helped Chirea up while examining her. "Here, let me help you."

Chirea let Derek helped her out of the van as he carried her over to the hospital bed in the small lab room across from the van.

"You're not going to strap me in?" Chirea questioned with a glance of mistrust.

"Not unless you start going crazy," Derek answered as he took out a needle.

"Don't bother. They already took it out of me."

"Not all of it," Derek implied as he stuck a needle onto her neck and was able to suck out the smallest amount of the chemical that sucked a device that was in her neck up to her skin. He put the needle away as he looked at Chirea. "This is going to hurt."

"I can withstand it."

"Alright, it's your call," Derek responded as he took out a small dagger and dug into her skin. Chirea clenched her teeth in pain as he was able to get the tracker out of her neck carefully without ripping open her skin. He placed a bandage on her neck and put pressure so that she wouldn't bleed to death.

Buster witnessed this while seeing the older elephant putting a tracker in a plastic bag and zipped it up. He dropped it on the floor and stomped it with his huge foot, smashing it into pieces. Derek picked up the bag and showed it to the theater gang.

"You guys missed one thing," Derek said while showing them.

Mike had his eyes widened. "Wait a minute. That looks like the same tracker that was on Nancy except bigger."

"Ah, yes, The Rattler Society likes to keep track on their performers and their puppets," Derek responded with a sigh.

Johnny's father noticed all the gadgets that were more than guns and bullets. "Did you build all of this?"

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