Chapter Nineteen: A Dangerous Affair

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*Hey, guys, I'm back with another chapter on the same day!!! Holy cow!!! Yeah, so, this is published on July 30, 2021. If you guys like this chapter, don't be afraid to vote and comment. That will be greatly appreciated. Enjoy!*

Clay fluttered his eyes opened with an ardent groan. The old lion realized that he's tied up on a rolling chair with someone behind him. A familiar moan caused his ears to perk up.

"Nana?" Clay recognized instantly.

"Oh, my head," Nana whined as she fluttered her eyes opened, staring straight at the sewer walls. "Wait, Clay?"

"Yeah, it's me," Clay replied happily to see her.

"Where are we?"

"I have no idea," Clay uttered as he realized that he's in a cell with Nana.

"Why do I hear two familiar voices?" Another familiar voice came from the cell next to them.

Clay blinked as he turned his head. "What's going on? Who are you?"

"Norman, I'm Rosita's husband," Norman answered quickly from the cell next to them.

Nana arched a brow. "Rosita? Oh, that's right. The dancer. I remembered her. She's an excellent dancer along with wife and mother."

"Yeah, she's amazing," Norman said sadly as the celebrities heard grunting and saw a pig peeking from the cell window beside them. "Oh, you guys were kidnapped too!"

"Yeah," Clay answered while looking around the sewer. "Why are we underground?"

"We're in the sewers," Norman answered.

"Ugh, I'm having a massive headache!" An old familiar voice complained. Norman gasped along with the two celebrities.

"Dad, calm down, everything is going to be okay," A woman's voice soothed the old man.

"I'm scared. What's going to happen to us?" The old lady's voice echoed meekly.

"I-I really don't know."

Clay and Nana glanced at each other.

"Hold still," Clay whispered to Nana as he took out his claw and sawed the ropes off of them. They finally got up from the chairs as Clay was able to climb up to cell window on the other side of them to peek in and see the family of elephants.

"Are you guys Meena's family?" Clay asked with a gasp.

"Oh my gosh! Hi!" Meena's mother waved at Clay.

"Where are we?" Meena's grandmother asked timidly.

"I don't know," Clay answered as he climbed down.

From Norman's cell, Norman climbed down as well and looked around. "It appears that we're in the sewers. I really hope Rosita and the kids are alright."

"They better not hurt Meena and Alfonso! I'll whack them if they do!" Meena's grandfather threatened while waving his cane around in anger.

"Alright, Dad, take a chill pill," Meena's mother calmed her father.

Meena's grandfather rolled his eyes. "Bah! The Rattler Society don't scare me!"

"With all due respect, they should scare you."

The prisoners turned to look and saw Serpent with his henchmen. He slithered while eying on Meena's family, which caused the mother to guard the grandparents.

Serpent let out a small laugh as he noticed Clay and Nana unleashed from their bonds. "Guess someone knew how to use their claws."

Clay blinked as he glanced down at his hand for a moment.

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