28. Traitor

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Aspen sat on the couch with Wanda and Loki. Steve and Natasha came into the room.

"It makes sense. Calvin H Ardy. If you spell Ardy backwards and connect it to the H, it spells HYDRA", Aspen said.

"He wants to talk to you", Steve said.

"I don't want to talk to him", Aspen said, crossing her arms.

"Talk to him, Aspen. I know it's a lot to ask, but we need information and he won't talk to anyone, but you", Natasha said.

Aspen sighed in frustration. She got up and walked out of the room.

She went downstairs and walked towards Cal's cell. He looked at her as she approached him.

"Aspen", Cal said.

"Is Calvin your real name?" Aspen asked.

"Yes", Cal said.

"I guess that's the only thing you didn't lie about", Aspen said.

"Aspen", Cal said as Aspen opened his cell. She walked towards him and punched him in the face.

"I trusted you! I fell in love with you! And all this time, it wasn't real to you! You never felt anything for me!" Aspen shouted.

"It was my mission, Aspen. Besides, you couldn't have fallen that hard", Cal said.

"I did, Cal", Aspen said. She threw him into the wall. "You betrayed me!" Her eyes turned red. "You betrayed me! You broke my heart and you don't feel bad about it! I hate you!"

"I know you do", Cal said.

"Was it worth it?" Aspen asked. Cal could hear her voice break. He didn't answer. "WAS IT WORTH IT?!" Cal still didn't say anything.

"I hate everything about you. I wish I never met you!" Aspen shouted.


Aspen turned around to see Fury and Hill standing outside the cell. "Come on, kid. Let's go upstairs", Hill said.

Aspen walked out of the cell. Fury closed the door behind her. "I'll kick his ass for you", Fury said to Aspen.

Hill and Aspen went back upstairs. Fury stayed by Cal's cell. When Cal was no longer in sight, Aspen started sobbing.

Aspen's eyes went to a blue and purple tint. Tony ran towards her. "Come on, kid", he said. Tony, Hill and Aspen went to the lab. Aspen sat at Tony's desk.

"How could this have happened?" Aspen sobbed.

Tony sighed. "I don't know", he said.

"This is what I get for letting someone in so easily", Aspen said. Her eyes turned into a really dark blue.

"Aspen, this is not your fault. It wasn't about you letting him in. He was playing with your emotions", Tony said.

"I fell so hard for him", Aspen said. Her voice was breaking.

"I know you did", Tony said.

"Hill, can you go get Reindeer Games?" Tony asked. Hill walked out of the room. "What does the color of your eyes mean?"

Aspen doesn't say anything. Loki and Maria Hill walked into the room. Loki looks at Aspen's eyes.

"I've never seen this", Loki said.

"Don't ask me how I feel. I think you know. And if you don't, I won't tell you because I'm not going to be so easy to read", Aspen said.

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