22. First Date

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Aspen stands on the balcony alone until Cal joined her. He stands next to her.

"Still avoiding your grandfather?" Cal asked. "You know, it's been 5 weeks".

"I'm not talking to him", Aspen said.

"You know, June is my favorite month. You should be enjoying it too", Cal said.

"I spent every June, trying to hide. To run. Just like any other month. No month is my favorite", Aspen said. "So please, what can we do on terrible June".

Cal grabbed Aspen's hands. He led her inside. Steve and Tony walked into the living room just as Cal and Aspen came inside.

"Steve, I would like to take your daughter on a date", Cal said. Aspen looked at him in shock. Loki gave Cal a look.

"Kid, I don't know if I can trust you. Besides, I just adopted her", Steve said.

"Just a movie in central park. Nothing too big", Cal said.

"I don't approve of it", Loki said.

"Neither do I", Tony said, crossing his arms.

"It's okay. You don't have to. Steve will or won't", Aspen said. Loki looks at Steve, hoping he wouldn't let Aspen go.

"Bring her back by 10", Steve said. Cal smiled. Aspen gave him a small smile.

"I'll come to your room at 7", Cal said to Aspen.

"Don't take her to a bar and don't get her pregnant", Tony said.

"Tony!" Aspen and Steve shouted.


Thanks to Wanda and Natasha, Aspen was ready for her first date. They helped her pick out a dress, Wanda did her hair and Natasha did her makeup.

 They helped her pick out a dress, Wanda did her hair and Natasha did her makeup

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Aspen waited in her room for 10 minutes before she heard a knock at her door.

When she opened the door, Cal was standing on the other side of the doorway.

"Hey", Cal said.

"Hey", Aspen said nervously.

"Ready to go?" Cal asked. Aspen nodded. Aspen looked back nervously at Natasha and Wanda, who gave her a thumbs up. Aspen and Cal walked down the hall.

When got to Central park, Cal laid a blanket on the ground. Aspen and Cal sat on the blanket.

A bag of popcorn appeared in front of Aspen. Cal leaned closer to whisper. "Have you seen Harry Potter before?" Cal whispered.

"This is the first movie I've ever seen in my life", Aspen whispered. Cal looked at her in shock.

"Well then you're in for a treat", Cal said.


Cal looked at Aspen. She was so focused on the movie that she didn't notice.

"Troll! Troll in the dungeon! Thought you'd want to know".

Aspen laughed at the way Professor Quirell fainted. Cal smiled at Aspen before he looked back at the screen.

Aspen looked at him after he looks back at the screen. She smiled at him. Aspen looked back at the screen.

After the movie, Aspen and Cal walked down a sidewalk in New York. "I ran from the police on this sidewalk", Aspen said. "And on that street and in that restaurant...and that alley".

"You are a negative person, Aspen Rogers", Cal said.

"Sorry", Aspen said.

"Don't apologize", Cal said. "Come on". Cal grabbed Aspen's hand. They walked towards a restaurant where there were people slow dancing.

They were going to join them, but Aspen stops walking. Cal looked at her. "What's wrong?" Cal asked.

"I...I can't dance", Aspen said.

Cal sighs. "Right", he said. Cal grabbed her hands. "But I can teach you". They walked towards the people, who were dancing.

Aspen puts her arms behind Cal's neck and Cal puts his hands on Aspen's waist.

They joined everyone in a slow dance. Aspen smiles at Cal. Cal smiled back. Cal picked up Aspen and spun her around. The band, who played the music, smiled at Aspen and Cal.

Cal sets Aspen on the ground. Aspen and Cal did a waltz that matched the rythm of the music. When everyone switched partners, Aspen and Cal were separated. Aspen and Cal looked back at each other.

Aspen moved onto to another partner. Cal does the same. Aspen and Cal switched to 4 different partners until they finally ended up together.

"Hey", Aspen said.

"Hi", Cal said nervously.

The lights were replaced with a disco ball. Cal lifts Aspen into the air. He lowered Aspen back to her feet.

They continued slow dancing. They stopped. Aspen and Cal smiled at each other as they stood still. Finally, Aspen pulled Cal closer to her. She was about to kiss him, but Cal dips her. Aspen's hair almost touched the ground.

Cal kisses Aspen. Aspen closed her eyes, enjoying the kiss.

When Aspen and Cal catch their breath, Aspen says, "I guess June is the best month of the year".

Cal laughed. They both stand up straight. They kissed each other.


Meanwhile, at a HYDRA base

Gatlin, Revera Petrova and 3 HYDRA agents were in a room. Revera wore a helmet on her head. 2 of the HYDRA agents connect the helmet to a machine.

"I will take control of Aspen's mind and bring her here. Are you sure you don't want me to make the effects permanent?" Revera asked.

"When she learns, she will understand. There's no need to make it permanent", Gatlin said.

One of the HYDRA agents turned on the machine.

In New York, Aspen and Cal walk back to the tower until Aspen dropped to her knees as she screamed in pain.

"Aspen!" Cal shouted. He knelt beside her. "Aspen, what's wrong?"

"He...he's-" Before Aspen could finish, she continued screaming.


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