35. Girl's Day

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Aspen and Revera walked into the kitchen to join Yelena, Natasha and Wanda outside of Avengers tower.

"Why did you want us up so early?" Aspen asked.

"Yelena and Wanda have decided that the 5 of us are going out on a girl's day", Natasha said.

"A girl's day?" Aspen asked.

"Yes, we all need it and we're all doing it", Wanda said. Revera and Aspen exchanged looks.

"Guys, it'll be fine. Let's all get dressed and then we'll leave", Natasha said.

After everyone got dressed, the girls left the tower. "So, what do we do?" Aspen asked.

Yelena smiled. "I have an idea", I said.


The 5 female Avengers went into a clothing store. Yelena and Wanda took Aspen into one of the sections in the store.

"What are we doing here?" Aspen asked.

"When it comes to clothing, everyone has a style. I want us to find yours", Yelena said.

The three of them picked out different outfits. Aspen tried them all on. When the girls left the store, Aspen was wearing one of the outfits she found.

The 5 of them went to Dairy Queen. Natasha introduced Yelena and Aspen to different Ice Cream flavors. Meanwhile, Wanda tried Strawberry flavored ice cream and Rev tried a cookies n cream flavored.

Natasha, Yelena and Aspen joined Wanda and Revera. "Should I really be eating this in my current state?" Revera asked.

"Probably not", Natasha said, still unsure.

Yelena grabbed Natasha's phone. She taps on the phone for a moment.

"Are you looking it up?" Wanda asked.

"It's not like I can trust the people here", Yelena said.

"You can't always trust Google either", Natasha said, taking the phone from her.

"I'll get you a cheeseburger or something", Yelena said. She stands up and walked up to the counter.

Aspen's phone vibrates in her pocket. She pulled out her phone. It was a text from Peter.

Peter: Hey, where r u?

Aspen: I'm with Nat, Wanda, Rev and Aunt Yelena. Is everything alright?

Peter: Promise you won't tell anyone?

Aspen: You're lucky I can't stay no to your adorable face. 🙄 Alright, I promise.

Peter: I have been visiting Cal

Aspen: Whatever he told you, it isn't true.

Peter: Aspen, here me out. 😦

Aspen: No, Peter. I won't hear it. Not after he betrayed us. DO NOT Believe him.

Suddenly, Aspen's phone was taken out of her hand. "First rule of Girl's day. Pretend the boys in our life don't exist", Natasha said. She looks at the rest of the girls. "That means no Peter, no Steve, no Tony, no Bruce, no Loki, no Bucky, no Pietro, no Gatlin, definitely no Thadden and no more backstabbing Calvin Hydra".

"I think we can agree with that", Yelena said.

"Bruce isn't all that bad", Revera said.

"When he's not being an idiot", Yelena muttered under her breath.

"Girls! Remember our rule? No boy talk", Natasha said.

"We should be saying that to you. You're the only person at this table who isn't single", Yelena said.

"If you don't want boy talk, fine. Let's have Girl talk. Which girl would you date? Yelena, you go first", Aspen said before eating more of her ice cream.

Yelena looked down at her hands. "Shut up, Aspen", she said.

"Alright. Wanda, you go next".

"I'm not playing that. Although, there are a few female celebrities that I find attractive", Wanda said.

"Clint's friend, Kate. She's...cute", Aspen said. Although, that was more of a celebrity crush instead of an actual crush.

"I am beginning to have a crush on someone...in this room", Wanda said. There was silence. Wanda lowered her head. "But I'm not sure if she likes me back".

Aspen eats a scoop of her ice cream. "I think Girl's day is going interestingly", she said. "Why don't we all go see a movie?"

"Finally, but romance movies aren't allowed", Natasha said.

"What about scary movies?" Yelena asked.

"No", Aspen and Rev said in unison.

"What about a comedy movie? The funniest comedy movie", Yelena said.

"So...Twilight", Aspen said.

"That has romance", Natasha said.

"Yeah, horrible romantic relationships with red flags and abuse. It will make me feel better about my love life", Aspen said.

"Yeah, mine too", Rev said.

Natasha sighed in defeat. "Alright. Twilight it is", she said with disappointment in her voice.


The girls stared at the screen with interest, eating popcorn and drinking smoothies.

They watched the Twilight movie and felt surprisingly intrigued by the movie.

Tony came into the room. "What the hell are you watching?" He asked.

"Shut up", Natasha snapped.

Tony puts both hands up and steps out of the room. A few minutes later, Tony came back, but this time it was with Steve.

"What is this?" Steve asked.

"You know, the point of a girl's day is that there is no boys", Natasha said.

"Then, go somewhere else and watch your movie", Tony said.

"Where would we go?" Aspen asked.

"I'm sure you can watch it in the park or in the movies", Tony said. "I don't know".

"Can we get back to our movie, please? Thank you", Natasha said.

"Yeah, we still have a few hours of pretending you don't exist", Aspen said.

Tony said Steve looked at each other. Natasha and Aspen looked back at the TV.

"...and you tripped. And you fell down two flights of stairs. Went through a window".

Tony snorted. All the girls looked at him. "She believes that?" Tony asked.

"At least we know where her daughter gets her stupidity from", Aspen said.

As the night went on, the girls finished their movie night. With Tony and Steve. Somehow, the billionaire and the super solider got interested in Twilight and argued about whether they were on Team Edward or Team Jacob.

When it got to midnight, everyone except Natasha and Aspen was asleep. Aspen laid her head on Natasha's shoulder.

"Thank you, Nat. I really needed this", Aspen said.

"Don't thank me. You should thank Wanda and Yelena. After they wake up", Natasha said. Aspen smiles. She gets more comfortable in her blanket and falls asleep with her head still on Natasha's shoulder.

Omg! I finished writing this chapter! So sorry it took to long! I spent the summer babysitting and working on a Vampire Diaries story. I'm hoping my new TVD story will be my best fanfic yet. But, yeah, I'm back!

(Guess who's back! Back again! 💃🏾💃🏾)

I have an idea for the next chapter so for now on it shouldn't take long for me to update this story.

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