Now all that really matters is that we're graduating. After years of going to school, doing endless paperworks and pending deadlines here and there, it's all coming to an end while we enter a new phase of adulthood.

James glanced at me with a smile as he clears his throat before speaking, "Time flies oddly fast, doesn't it? Strangely it feels like it was just yesterday when all our troubles seems so far away. But guess what, now it looks as though they're not here to stay."

The over and the middle-aged people in the venue can't help but chuckle at the song lyrics James just punched in. Considering that he had practised that a million times in front of me and Agatha, their reactions didn't surprise us.

"Everyday has been a hard day's night for all of us. Whether you're a student, a teacher, a parent, a friend, or a rockstar, some of us had wished for some things to be over." James enumerated, "The madness,"

"I-I know it's hard to believe, but you guys are in the year 2018."


"It was as if there's no reason for us to stay here anymore."


"Okay, sweet, calm down. It's okay, he's just a guy."


"I don't want to be alone again!"

"and the wacky changes that are happening around us."

"What's a Beatles?"

I swallowed hard as my mind recalled everything related to his terms. No matter how hard I try to sweep those thoughts away, it just kept coming back. It's been nearly two years, for Tchaikovsky's sake.

Time flies so fast, indeed.

"But, let's admit it, at some point we wished that some moments in our lives will last forever. Doesn't matter if we disobey the law of physics and time. If we could only control the hands of the clock, we probably went back to the times where we were just laughing with our loved ones,"

"HAHAHA George got his mouth wide opened here!"

"spending time with our parents,"

"I love you, Jude."

"I love you too, dad."

"making new friends,"

"Who cares? My friends are all fake, anyway." 

"Not all."

"expressing ourselves to other people,"

"I love you, Judy Parker."

"and all of the small stuff that filled our hearts with pure happiness and made us feel loved."


"Judy, are you alright?" Agatha asks me from a few rows at front. This made the other fellow students turn to me in concern.

I nodded in reassurance, even though deep inside I just wanted to burst out again. "I'm fine, no worries."

We looked back at James who continued to deliver his speech, "I'm not saying that all these are coming to an end. Time is constant, it only moves forward. As of now we don't have enough resources to make a time machine in order for us to relive the past or take a look at the future."

If there wasn't any people around, I probably stood up from my seat and booed his statement. I mentally laughed at the imaginary scenario.

And here I am, claiming to be the useless but supportive girlfriend.

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