Take 25

135 6 11


As George, John, and I started playing our guitars to a series of chords, we smiled back at Ringo while feeling the sweet sensation of performing in front of a crowd. Despite it being small.

"Close your eyes and I'll kiss you,

Tomorrow I'll miss you,

Remember I'll always be true,

And then while I'm away,

I'll write home everyday,

And I'll send all my loving to you..."

It wasn't a piece of cake, getting the opportunity to be invited to clubs and all that, y'know. Let alone here in the future where we used to be so big back in our time.

Now it's like going through a series of needle holes.

"D'Oldies?" Ringo nods, "Yeah, the club Jude works at as a janitress. It was her good friend James who offered to me, he performs there every Friday."

"That kid who works as a CCTV watcher at the lighthouse?" George asks to which John reacts, "I saw him waiting tables at that colourful sweets shop by the street. Don't tell me that young lad is working his arse out all week."

Not to mention, he also works at the Powerzone with Jude during the weekends. I learned that upon taking her there last time, y'know.

I bit my nails while the four of us are having a band meeting at the attic, hosted by Ringo who brought the elephant in the room.

"Back to the point here! It wouldn't hurt if we perform, right? They provide instruments there, we wouldn't need to carry all our stuff unlike what we used to do when touring." Ringo persuades.

John leaned and rested his head on his hands while crossing his legs, "It felt ages since we performed live, don't you think?"

"We've been here for just three months, John." George pointed out. The vocalist face-palmed, "You really ruin my jokes, Harrison."

"It's been literally ages since it's 2018, y'know. When was our last gig? 1963?" I chuckled at the irony of my statement.

George shook his head and convicted, "Still, I go for Ringo's suggestion. The wheat walked spontaneously to the bird. Why can't it just take it?"

Ringo smiles at the guitarist then turns to me. I gave him a perplexed look but finally decided, "Well, I guess it would be great to flex our newly written songs."

The three of us turned our heads to our vocalist whom we couldn't start the train without. Our meaningful gazes made him give up his indecisiveness.

"Fine, you're my best friends anyway."

"Ah, Kansas City,

Going to get my baby one time,

Yeah, yeah,

I'm gonna Kansas City,

Going to get my baby one time,

Ah, yeah, yeah,

It's just a one, two, three, four,

Five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Woahhhh, woo!"

Jude immediately turns away to avoid our look. John and I looked at each other and pouted, I knew this would happen.

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