Take 12

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I woke up somberly as I felt some flies perching on my face. Sitting on the hammock, I held my head upon realizing I have fallen asleep from crying too much last night.

That was a very, very bad day. It's a good thing I have a hammock outside the house. After what happened with the Beatles, all I ever wanted was some space from them.

Obviously, I had nowhere to go but just outside my little home. Even so, I knew I had to go back.

My sprain didn't hurt that much anymore so I could walk a bit properly now. I decided to do the laundry today and clean the house. I worked quietly as possible so that the four sleeping Beatles won't be bothered.

Hunger striked through my system and that's where I sucked my pride and grabbed my credit card. The only beneficence I am receiving from my father.

Besides, I couldn't just let the boys fast with me. So before leaving for school, I cooked them some pancakes. I had a nice, long bath while subconsciously wishing no one would wake up.

I put some earphones on as I left the house. Not in the mood to listen to the Beatles, I played my Queen playlist. Gosh, this is so odd. I'm actually upset with them for a certain reason.

Not feeling well to go to the university, I just endured whatever laziness I was feeling. After almost getting raped, I almost forgot about the humiliating incidence from yesterday.

No wonder everyone was looking at me in amusement, damn, should I be a celebrity now? This attention isn't new at all. Should I become a star in the big book of dummies surviving the bullies? That could be a good sideline one day.

As if the heavens heard my prayer, our Dean announced today as a free day to catch up on our deadlines. There's nothing much for me to do since I always finish our works early. For someone working part-time most of the day, you really shouldn't depend on your laters or tomorrows if you don't want to procrastinate.

Preventing myself not to shout In your face! to those last-minute stressers, I decided to go chill under a lemon tree near the bleachers. It's sad that my cassette player is broken, it would be such a better vibe.

"So you're listening to Queen?" My heart skept a beat as I jolt up in shock. "Goodness, James. I didn't notice you there."

The boy smirked as he ran his fingers through his hair. I noticed something different. "So you brought back the mop-topped hairstyle, huh."

"Thought you wouldn't notice. Since I started working at Glucosey I thought of bringing back this old style." He gestures at his head again. "You started working at Glucosey?"

James nodded, "Yeah, something to get some extra during the weekdays." I tried to force out a smile but eventually, James saw right through my actions.

"Would you mind if I sit here?" I just nodded. "Something's wrong, isn't it? You don't have to tell me. I knew it from the moment you didn't once shot a glare at me today."

I chuckled at his remark, he is just that annoying. "Is that how you really thought of me?"

"W-What? No! I just... know when to approach you when you needed it." James reasoned out as he fixed his glasses. I couldn't help but sigh at what he said. That, I can't deny.

James knew it whenever I feel sad or not. He knows how to handle my mood so well that he can almost read me like an open book. I guess that's what happens when you lived almost all of your life with that person.

When my mother died, it was James who sticked with me throughout my grief. All of the kids wouldn't hang out with me because of the broken family history. Yet James was an exception of them all.

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