Take 2

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"Excuse me, sir Lennon? Can I have an autograph?" A fat, lean man wearing sunglasses came to me with a pen and an album.

I nodded and felt flattered because he's a fan, "Sure." I read the album's name 'Double Fantasy' and is trying to recall when I made this album. How come this one only has my name on it? And why am I actually signing it?

Before I can turn my head back to the man who asked for my autograph, I felt a large pang on my back two or three times until I felt myself bleeding.

A woman with sharp nose and thick, dark hair gasped as she looked at me and almost cried at the sight. I felt weak, I couldn't move a muscle. I just let myself crash on the ground due to all the pain the bullet caused me.


I gasped for air as I sat up. That was some ridiculous, insane dream. I might actually die in there.

I looked around the room and realized that I'm still in the "future." How even more ridiculous does that sound? I looked to my right and saw Ringo still fast asleep, snoring like the trombone hooter he is.

The door opens revealing Paul, George, and the girl, Jude. They're all holding colorful paper bags which indicates they have probably gone shopping.

"Good morning, John. Did you sleep well?" Jude asks, placing the bags on a table in the corner. I groaned in answer. I felt Macca sat beside me on the bed and spoke, "You should really check out the shops in here. I have to say people have gone creative in they're taste of clothing."

George shook his head in disagreement, "I think it's outrageous. The girls are too attractive with their style which makes you feel giddy inside."

"You think they're sexy?" Jude fills in. "Everyone's free to wear what they want these days. Unlike during your time, girls had to wear dresses while gentlemen should wear suits."

"We're not really obliged to wear 'em. The suits makes you look normal in the eyes of the public, y'know." Paul replies.

"I know, but society is very judgemental in this generation." The girl states. "I believe you guys are going to spend a few more days here. So I thought of buying you some essentials like clothes, shoes, toothbrushes, and all that."

I snorted at her remark. "I'm sorry, little birdie, but I believe my mates and I can't stay here in your little dump. We need to get back to Liverpool, our manager must be looking for us."

"Isn't your manager still mad about what you did at the club?" I went silent. "Not to mention, you don't even know how you got here in the future. So how are you sure that you can go back to the past?"

Paul and George looked down. "This is all rubbish." I commented. Jude sighs and walks near me and touched my face. "OW! DON'T DO THAT!"

"John, shut off your bloody mouth." Ringo moaned in his sleep. "I'm gonna change your bandages after you take a bath. I'll go cook us some breakfast." Jude says before walking out the room.

Ringo gets up and stretched his arms. George and Paul started to open the shopping bags. "I can't stay here. We shouldn't stay here."

"Why not?"

"Because this is the future! Jesus, Paul." I bursted. "I still think that girl has something to do with why we're here."

"How can you say something like that?" Ringo furrows his brows in question. "You know that little shiny gadget she always holds? When she asked us on how we got here, she reads something from that gadget and suddenly she knows what happened to us at the club!"

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