Chapter 29

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"Of course I can. What else do you want to know?" I ask.

"Everything," she says quietly as if she doesn't want me to hear her. "I want to know whatever you want to tell me."

Inwardly I smile. All of the sudden, I feel like I'm floating on air. It feels like there butterflies in my stomach. "Is there anything specific you want me to tell you about or just general things?"

She places her hand on my face and runs her fingers through my scruff. I try to contain my sensual groan. "Tell me some of our greatest memories together, or your favorite moments between us," she whispers while not breaking eye contact.

She is filling my heart up with so much joy right now. There is still hope. Even with her request, I still have to ask. I don't want to cause her any pain. "Are you sure? Are you sure you want me to tell you?"


Where do I start? There are so many memories and it's hard to pick favorites, whether they are good or not so good memories. They are part of our history and have lead us to where we are right now. I decide to start with our proposals.


She has her hands on my chest for comfort. I can see how much my pain is hurting her. I realize she's the one that has always been there for me. She has never wavered in her feelings for me.

"I feel like a part of me, died tonight," I say looking down.

She turns my face to face hers; softly rubbing my scruff, when she whispers "Then let me bring you back to life."

"I will," I nod as I take her hand and slowly place it on Steffy's finger. I look at her. "Will you marry me, Steffy?" She looks down at the ring and back up at me, tears in her eyes. "Marry me," I softly press. Then we kiss passionately, before heading to the bedroom to make love for the first time.


"So is that a no?"

"It's a tell me, all the reasons why you want to marry me and then I'll give you an answer."

"When I pulled you out of that tub," I begin walking away from her. I turn back to look at her, and smile. "And saved your life, I had no idea what was coming. I mean, I thought I knew my future, thought I knew the direction, my life was heading in, and then you just came on like wildfire." I look at her and smile again, feeling so much love for her. I continue, "Nothing has been the same since."

She smiles and leans towards me, "Well tenacity is my specialty."

I laugh lightly. I loving point my finger at her. "That right there. The time I spend with you, Steffy, it's fun. You lighten me up, you make me happy. Now, you've given me this incredible gift of a son or daughter. It's a family I didn't ask for, expect, but I am so grateful to have. I look away from her, "I know you don't like, 'it's the right thing to do, but Steffy us getting married and raising this child together IS the right thing to do and it's not because I feel obligated. It's the right thing to do because it's what I want." I get down on my knee and take her head. "So, Steffy Forrester, I am going to ask you one more time, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"


Steffy is sitting on the couch leaning on her arm while looking at her phone. "You okay?" I ask looking up from my phone. Something is definitely off with Steffy.

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