Chapter Part 14

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"Daddy!!!" I hear as Amelia opens the door to me.

Kelly and Cooper come bouncing into my arms. I hug them both tightly, kissing both of their heads, feeling happiness and relief wash over me. "I've missed you guys so much. How are you guys?"

"Grandpa Bill, let us ride on the jet to get here."

"That was very nice of Grandpa," I reply to Kelly pushing her hair out of her face.

"Grandpa, even let us play with the TV's on the plane."

"Grandpa is here?" I reply while looking up at Amelia.

"Yeah! He wanted to come for the ride," Kelly adds.

"He's downstairs getting a room for himself," Amelia informs.

Just then Kelly leans back from me and gives me a serious, but inquisitive look. "Daddy, why do you smell?"

"Daddy smells," Cooper laughs. "Daddy stinky."

I'm taken aback for a moment before I suddenly become very aware of how bad I actually do smell.I haven't even thought about my hygiene needs since I left L.A. and now that it's been acknowledge, I actually can smell it myself and understand why I am being called stinky. I'm sure, I've put off quite a few people the past few days without even realizing it because it hasn't been my priority.

"Yeah, Daddy needs a shower," I confess. "Daddy has been really busy and preoccupied the last couple days."

"With work?" Kelly asks.

I ignore her question subtly, before changing the subject. "How has school been? Are you and Cooper being nice to each other? Did you guys eat? Are you hungry?"

"I'm always nice to Cooper and we had a snack on the plane."

"So, we need dinner then," I point out to them. "What would you guys like for dinner? We will eat and then Daddy wants to take you somewhere."

"Where?" Kelly asks. "Can we get McDonald's on the way to wherever you are taking us? Please, Daddy," she begs giving me her best puppy dog eyes. "We've both been really good. You can even ask Amelia," she adds pointing over to Amelia.

I shake my head, "We might have to Kelly, Daddy is in no shape, or smell for that matter to go anywhere, but for McDonald's or ordering in. I don't know if I even have clothes that I can change into."

The door then opens. "I brought you everything that you might need," my dad says entering the room, dropping a small overnight bag at his feet.

"Dad you are here," I say in a bit of a shock. "You didn't have to come back," I acknowledge.

"I thought you could use a break, spend some time with the kids and I can sit with Steffy if you want to stay here for awhile and spend some time with the kids for a few hours."

"I appreciate it, Dad, but you didn't have to do that."

My dad puts his arm on my shoulder and pulls me away from the kids and whispers in my ear, "I thought you might need support when you tell the kids about what happened with Steffy."

I nod, knowing that my dad is right. "Thank you, you are right."

"Now, take the bag, it's not much, but a few changes of clothes and some personal hygiene stuff, and from the looks of it, and the smell of it, I came at the right time. You need to get into a shower before you are thinking about doing anything else, or suffocating anyone else with your disgusting body odor. Take the bag," he orders. while handing me the key to his room, "shower, take a few minutes for yourself. I am going to order room service and hopefully, it'll be here when you come back and then we can eat together, and then go from there."

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