Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

A low rustling pierces my ear, and I slowly open my eyes at the startle, realizing that I am in Steffy's hospital bed and she is still wrapped in my arms. I suddenly hear the rustling again and I sit up with a jolt, realizing that a nurse is in here.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Spencer, I didn't mean to startle you. I was trying to be as quiet as I could. I am sure you were beat. I'm the day nurse, Cristy."

I rub my eyes quickly before apologizing, slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep or be in Steffy's bed. I just I needed to be close to her," I stress. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"Mr. Spencer, no need to apologize or explain. I truly understand. I get it. It doesn't take even a person with a half of brain to see how deeply you love your wife, how committed you are to her, and how this is weighing on you. It can't be easy. I can't imagine what it is that you are going through,"

"No, it's not easy," I mutter softly looking down at Steffy. "This is eating me alive. I just want her to open her eyes and smile at me, and say Cha ChaCha," I say slightly chuckling while looking at the floor. I just want my wife back. I need my wife. I feel like I lost a part of my soul the other day."

"Uh, Cha ChaCha?" Cristy inquires as if she's confused.

I realize that I've said a little too much and that it's not easily explained. It's just our thing.

"Sorry," I breathe, looking down at the floor. "It's just a private joke that my wife and I share together. It's our thing."

She nods with a smile, "Mr. Spencer—"

"Please," I interrupt, "Call me, Liam."

"Your wife is lucky to have you. I'm sure she can feel that you are here with her and feel how dedicated you are to her. The subconscious mind is a powerful thing. It does things that even doctors can't explain. We are still learning so much about it. You are doing everything you can to get your wife back to you. Personally, in all my years working as a nurse, I've never seen anything like what is between you and your wife. It's truly something beautiful, rare, something unlike anything I've ever seen."

"No offense," I say as I stand up from Steffy's bed. "You don't know either of us at all to know."

She finishes cleaning up the area besides Steffy's bed, before turning to look at me. "I don't need to know either of you, when I can clearly see. I can clearly feel it, what is there. Honestly, almost the whole hospital feels it..." she smirks slightly, "At least the women of the hospital do,"

I scrunch my eyebrows at her confession. I am perplexed. "Excuse me? What are you referring to?"

"Liam, a lot of the staff here have been in and out of Steffy's room or peering through the window in the door to get a glimpse of you and your wife."

I look at her even more confused. I scratch my head. "What? Why?"

"You and your wife have something, sir. It's nothing that is ordinary, or that you see on a daily basis. It's far reaching. Whatever it is, it's powerful. It is powerful enough for all of us to feel it, admire it and want it for ourselves. It's almost as if the two of you are in your own little universe and it's unbreakable. I literally can feel the love and connection that you two share. Your love is an all consuming love. The fairy tale kind of love, but this is not a fairy tale, this is real life. Everyone wants and secretly hopes for a love like you two share. I can tell you that there are a lot of us that have been here years and we've never seen or felt anything quite like what it is between you and your wife."

"It started with the charge night nurse going into your wife's room late last night and seeing you wrapped around Steffy. I don't think you were sleeping yet. She said that she didn't fully go in because once she opened the door slightly to check on something in Steffy's room, she heard the way you were talking to Steffy, the intensity and passion, the intimacy of your voice, she couldn't bear to go in and disrupt it."

"From there, it basically collapsed with it going from one person to the next and to the next, with everyone wanting to take a peek. Normally, getting in bed with the patients is not allowed, but no one had the heart to go in there and break you up. The charge nurse just couldn't get over what you were saying. The way she described it had everyone in tears it was so beautiful."

My eyes have widened at this confession. I blush slightly in embarrassment. "Umm..." I say, not knowing what else to say. "Can I ask what the nurse said?"

Cristy smiles at me, "She said what she witnessed was so powerful, overwhelming that she felt like she was intruding on you two. She said that she immediately felt the atmosphere change, as if she was in a completely different universe. Her heart started racing, she felt sweaty and felt butterflies in her stomach. She felt like a giddy little school girl. You actually had her blushing with your words. She said that you were looking at your wife with so much love and intensity; it's the way every woman has ever dreamed of a man looking at her. It was right out of the movies."

I am speechless. I don't even know what to say. Thank you doesn't seem appropriate, but I'm not really upset that she heard me or even that we are now the talk of the hospital, it's just a bit awkward having this conversation with someone I barely know. I don't mind expressing how I feel about Steffy to our families, but a stranger is weird. But at the same time, I am grateful for them allowing me the time and space with Steffy and admire her words of wisdom.

I run my hands through my hair still not sure what to say. "I honestly, don't know what to say," I finally confess.

"You don't have to say anything, Liam. It is written all over face. Anything that any of us can do for you or your wife, we are at your service. You guys are truly lucky to have one another and I hope one day I find someone like you, and able to share something like what you and Steffy share."

"Thank you. You have no idea what it means to me about what you told me. It means more than you know."

"Don't give up hope. I know what Dr. Abar said to you..." She looks over at me realizing that I was wondering how she knew what Dr. Abar said to me yesterday. "The day charge nurse."

I shake my head. It's definitely worse here than it is a soap opera.

"I believe too what Dr. Abar said to you. Honestly, I don't think it is going to be anything a doctor does or doesn't do that will bring Steffy back. I think Liam, you are going to be the one to save your wife."

I smile at her. "Thank you."

"Of course. I'll be here until 3p.m. today, so just press the call button if you need anything at all."

She turns to leave the room, before turning back and touching my arm. "Have faith Liam. She is going to come back to you, I feel it. Keep doing what you have been doing. Both you and Steffy are in my prayers. The doctor will be in shortly to check on Steffy and give you an update, it shouldn't be long. Again, just call if you need anything," she nods before turning to leave Steffy's room.

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