Chapter 23

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Wyatt leaves a few minutes later. It is just Steffy and I alone in the cliff house. The first time we've been alone outside the hospital since her accident. The atmosphere between us is thick. All the sudden I feel like a nervous kid waiting for test results from an exam that I took in school. I'm not too sure how much I should push her or leave her be. I know with the kids being out of the house this might be a prime time to talk about things, but I don't want to scare her or upset her.

"So, do you have anything that you would like to do today? Is there anywhere you want to go?" I ask breaking the ice.

"Is my dad around? I'd really like to see him."

"Your dad is a Forrester right now I'm sure, he's been pretty busy filing in for your share of the co-CEO position at Forrester since your accident. Until you are completely back on your feet he will be filling in more. We figured that you will probably need some more time off to recuperate."

Steffy's face falls. "co- CEO? Who's co-CEO? My dad? He's co-CEO? Who's the other co-CEO?"

I smile, "You are. You own 37.5% shares of Forrester Creations. Your grandfather appointed you and your dad a few years ago as co-CEO's."

Steffy looks at me dumbfounded. "What? How did I get 37.5% shares of Forrester? I split that four ways 25% percent. That's why it was called R.E.S.T."

I sigh realizing that at this point in Steffy's memory, Stephanie was still alive and Taylor stilled owned Steffy's original 25% percent. "It's a long story, but your Mom gave you her 25% percent in shares and you received the other 12.5% from my dad a few years ago. It gives you 37.5%. You and your grandfather are the majority shareholders."

"What?" she says astounded. "How did your father get 12.5% of the company? Why would he give it to me? I don't understand..."

"Like I said, it's a long story. I know the basic details, but your dad would be the one to ask about specifics." I am trying to be careful as how to approach these things and other things as Steffy doesn't know about the events surrounding her mother and grandmother since the last thing she's remembered. "A lot has happened since you lost your memory."

I sigh. "I can call your Dad if you want to see if he can come over. You could too if you want. I'm sure he will stop by later. "

I start to get to walk away to get my phone.

"Liam wait," she says standing to touch my arm. "how did—how did we meet? When did we meet?"

I smile, "We met at Forrester in 2010. I was the computer nerd called in to help you fix your computer."

"Power cable is good," I say throwing the cord up in the air popping my head up from under the desk, before throwing the cable onto the desk. Steffy is sitting on the desk watching us. I admire her beauty.

"Wouldn't it have power even if it weren't on?" Steffy asks

"There's no connectivity," my partner says as I'm at the computer typing away.

"Did I not tell you guys this on the phone?" Steffy says giving me a stern look.

"I'd like to run some diagnostics and find out what's corrupted."

Steffy slides off the desk, "Everything gets corrupted around here, it's fine. I'm not in a hurry." She turns before walking to the couch in her office to sit down

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