Chapter 21

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We are back at the hospital with the kids. It was a challenging conversation with the kids about Steffy's condition, and they took it as well as expected. I expected tears, questions, confusion and sadness and that's exactly what I got.

We are outside Steffy's door. I bend down next to Kelly and Cooper to meet their eyes. I can still see the sadness in their eyes. "Okay guys; now remember what we talked about. I know it's hard but Mommy is still sick, so she might not always know what she's saying or what you are talking about, but she loves you very much, even if she doesn't know you. If Mommy asks you anything it's okay to answer. You can talk to her about anything. Tell her about school and your day with Amelia, whatever you want."

"Will you stay with us, Daddy? Or will Grandpa Bill stay?"

"I will stay and if you want Grandpa Bill to stay he will. Also Grandpa Ridge is in Mommy's room keeping her company."

"Grandpa Ridge is here?" Cooper asks excitedly.

"Mhm. In Mommy's room." I take both Kelly and Cooper's hands and squeeze them. "Are you ready to go?"

They both nod as we walk through the door.

I smile at Steffy who seems to be in a better mind space then when I left earlier. "Hi Mommy," I say trying to break the ice.

She just nods.

"Kelly, Cooper, do you want to go over and see Mommy?"

"Yeah," Kelly smiles walking over to Steffy. Cooper follows a moment later. Once they get over to Steffy, they try to wrap their arms around her in a natural instinct. I'm not sure how she is going to react to the gestures, but she surprises me and wraps her arms around them and hugs them tightly. In that moment, the atmosphere settles a bit between us all and becomes less awkward. The tension slowly diminishes, before almost vanishing completely. I sigh in relief that it's going better than I expected.

After a few minutes it becomes enough at ease that I decide to pull up a chair next to them and start chitchatting away with them. We don't talk about anything of real importance or significance, just light talk, friendly and playful conversation. It started feeling like there was hope for our family. Even if she didn't remember anything the whole conversation and time we spent together, it felt a little like it did before the accident. It felt good. The kids seemed genuinely happy. I know I have been asking for a lot, but in these moments, I can't ask for too much more.

I decide to let the kids have a little alone time with Steffy before bringing them back to the hotel.

Ridge joins me, as my dad stands by the door outside in case the kids or Steffy need anything.

"I think it's going well," Ridge says as we walk to the cafeteria. "Bringing the kids is I think, exactly what Steffy needed. The connection was instant even if she doesn't remember that they are her kids."

"I agree. It was nice. For the first time in a long time, I feel like there is hope for Steffy and I and our family. It was wonderful to see the kids smile and to see Steffy smile again. It filled my heart up with so much joy."

"I completely agree. As Steffy's dad it hasn't been easy. I hate watching my little girl suffer the way she has."

We continue to walk in silence for a minute before Ridge starts speaking again. "Have you decided about how you are going to address the baby with Steffy and going home to Malibu with you?"

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