Chapter 18

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I close the door softly, careful not to slam the door. With the door closed, I cannot hold my tears back any longer. I hang my head down as I slide down to the floor, my head in my hands. I had to do everything to hold back what I was feeling in there when Steffy said she didn't know who I was. She's been through so much; I didn't want to make her feel any worse than she probably did. I just don't even know what to do next or what to even think. Part of me wants to give up, but then all I have to do is think about the beautiful life we have created and all our history and I just want to fight tooth and nail for her. Even if she can't remember me, I'm not ready to live life without her.

"Steffy—" I sniff wiping my tears away talking to myself, while still on the floor. "Baby, I just—all I want is for you to remember. This can't be happening to us. Every time I think a corner has been turned and that there is some kind of hope, I am knocked down. I feel so selfish for asking and wanting this. I know I said, that I would've just been happy if you just opened yours, but I want more. I never thought that when you woke that you wouldn't know who I was or all that we've been through together." I can't keep my composure longer than a few seconds before losing it again. I briefly think about what the hospital staff is saying as they all walk by me, but I don't care at this point.

"What are you doing, Liam. Why are you on the floor?" a voice says from above.

I pick up my head to see my father standing in front of me.

"Why are you out here on the floor and not in Steffy's room? When you didn't answer my phone call a little while ago, I got nervous. We said that we would check in before I headed back to L.A."

I look up at him, my emotions all over the place and finally am able to speak. "Steffy—Steffy is awake."

He looks up from me through the window that's on Steffy door, as if he is trying to see her. "That's fantastic, Liam, but it doesn't explain why you are out here and not in there with your wife. Why are you out here?"

"Don't think that I don't want to be in there with her." I sniff wiping my eyes.

My dad scrunches his eyebrows in confusion. "I'm confused then, why aren't you in there with her? This is what we've all been praying for. Does the doctor know that she's awake? How long has she been awake for?"

I get up off the ground to stand. "Dad, slow down. Steffy only woke up a short while ago. I came out to get the doctors for her...."

"Well get back in there with your wife, I'll go find the doctor," my dad declares as he starts turning away.

"Wait," I say grabbing his arm, pulling him back. "There is something I need to tell you, it's about Steffy."

"What is it, son?" he asks with concern.

I run my hand through my hair in aggravation, and sadness. "Steffy---she—when she—she woke up, she didn't—didn't know who I was."

My dad gives me another confused look. "What?" he finally says cocking his head sideways.

I shake my head. "She woke up and literally has no idea who I am. She doesn't even remember the kids. The last thing she says that she remembers is getting the company from you and forming R.E.S.T. Everything is a blank for her after that. I look down at the floor barely able to meet my dad's gaze. "She doesn't remember one moment of our life together. I'm a complete stranger to her."

"That can't be Liam," my dad argues. "Maybe she is just confused. Or maybe it's just a temporary process while she comes out of the coma. You should get the doctor in here so they can tell you more."

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