Chapter 36

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"What is my handsome husband doing over there so early in the morning?" Steffy asks taking notice that since she's been in the kitchen, I have turned my lap top on. Steffy hands me a cup of coffee. Steffy hasn't gone back to work yet, more or less just enjoying the pregnancy, but she has hinted a few times that she is thinking about at least working from home, and being involved a little more.

It's been a few more weeks since the babies' ultrasound, and Steffy's bump is starting to show. We told Kelly and Cooper a couple weeks ago about Steffy's pregnancy and both of them were so excited, especially since there was going to be both a girl and a boy that would be joining the family.

We've been back to the doctor a couple times since finding out the genders and the fact they we were going to have not one, but two babies. Our anatomy scan is coming up in just a few days.

"What are you doing?" Steffy asks walking over to me.

"Just catching up on some work. I didn't check in the office yesterday, so I'm sure my dad is slightly annoyed. I was supposed to send something to him for the next Eye on Fashion that's due out for next month, but someone..." I say getting up wrapping my arms around Steffy, before kissing her neck and then shoulder.

She pulls back slightly and grin mischievously. "Don't you ever have enough?"

"Of you? No, definitely not," I smile back at her. "I doubt that I will ever get my fill of you, Steffy."

"Down boy," she replies, playfully pushing me away. "You should get back to work; I don't want to distract you."

"You are a distraction that I like. If I don't get work done, it's your fault," I wink. "How do you think I am supposed to work, when you come up to me wearing something, that that," I point, at her halter top that accentuates her breast and the barely there shorts she is wearing. If she bends down, there is no way I wouldn't get a glimpse of her ass.

I run my hand down to the bottom of her pants. "This shorts are way too short for the public. It's not too far from here, to here," I softly say in her ear while running my finger up her shorts. I run them back down and stick my forefinger in the inside of the seam of her pants, tugging lightly. "Don't bend over, unless you want me to take advantage of your super short shorts. You can't wear stuff like that Steffy, unless you don't care about me jumping your bones. You are such a tease," I proclaim, before nipping her ear.

She rolls her eyes before changing the subject.

"Do you want to do something with the kids today? Maybe take them to the pier on Venice Beach, take them to the arcade or something?" Steffy asks changing the subject.

"We can do that later this afternoon if that is okay? Like I said, I have a little bit of work to finish up for Spencer. Otherwise, I am sure my dad will be breaking down this door wanting to know what is going on."

I look down at Steffy and smile at her growing bump. It's firm and has rounded pretty nicely over the last couple weeks. I smile down at it, placing my two hands onto her bump. "How are Bug 1 and Bug 2 doing today? You are finally settling down that Mommy isn't so sick every minute. Are the two of you going to behavior for Mommy, so she can enjoy herself, or you guys going to be trouble?"

Just then I feel a light tap against my hand. "Did you feel that?" I ask looking up at Steffy while keeping my hand firmly on Steffy's stomach.

"Oh my God," she says excitedly.

"Was that—was that a kick?" I ask in disbelief.

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