45:: 𝑱𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏'𝒔 𝑬𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒆

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𝐽𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑛'𝑠 𝐸𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑒

Jimin was upset about the fight that he had with y/n this morning, he wanted to apologise to her for letting his ego get in between them. 

He left work early that day to buy you something and then leave home, but when he reached the parking lot of his company something covered his nose and mouth from behind. 

And before he could do anything, he lost consciousness. 

He woke up in what seemed like an old, unused warehouse. 

He remembered how someone drugged him in the parking lot. 

No one was around him, he was tied to the chair, he took a closer look at the knots and realised that if he tried to rotate the rope he would be able to untie it with his fingers. 

He was slow with his actions, not wanting to create any noise and also didn't want to warn the kidnappers that he was able to untie the rope. 

After getting done with his hands he untied the rope that tied him with the chair. 

Jimin saw that the sun was already up, which means that it must have been already 12 hours since he was kidnapped. 

Just then someone walked in. He seemed to be one of them, so Jimin pretended like he was still tied up and looked at him. 

"You have woken up," the man said. 

"Who are you?" Jimin gritted out, "you don't need to know who we are," the man replied. "Why have you kidnapped me?" Jimin asked again. 

"We don't want anything from you, we will keep you here for 1 more day and if your wife decides to give up on the Teddy project we would leave you," he said, getting closer to Jimin. 

Jimin regretted not listening to you, now you were going to give up on a project because of him, he didn't want that to happen. 

Just when he was close enough to Jimin, Jimin kicked the man on his knee as he fell and his head hit the ground with a loud thud. 

Jimin noticed the little dragger that was tucked in his belt. He took it and hid behind a pillar while the others came in. 

They were a group of 4 people, a man neared the pillar that Jimin was hiding behind and Jimin didn't waste a minute before stabbing the man's thigh so that he won't be able to walk. 

2 out, 3 more. 

The other 3 became aware of Jimin's presence and came towards him. 

Jimin stabbed the dragger on one of their feet and kicked the other. 

It was difficult to fight two of them at the same time, but he had to save himself. 

Jimin almost took down both of them when he saw that the guy that Jimin stabbed on the thigh came to him with a knife in his hand. 

Jimin moved away, but the knife cut through his upper arm. 

Jimin wasn't able to fight them now, with his bleeding arm. One of them came towards Jimin with a knife in their hand, ready to stab him and Jimin wasn't able to do anything, he thought that was his last moment. 

Just then they all heard footsteps. It was the cops who were able to finally track down the location and get there on time. 

The cops were able to catch them all, Jimin was safely dropped at his house but was asked to come to report about everything to file a case. 

It was almost 3 pm when Jungkook heard the doorbell ring, he walked to the door and opened it, to find a very exhausted Jimin. There were 2 cops behind him, Jungkook thanked them as they left. 

He immediately helped him in, his shirt was almost soaked in blood and he had a few cuts here and there on his face. 

Eunji treated his wounds while you were still sleeping. 

"Idiot, see how you are, if you had listened to y/n this wouldn't have happened." Eunji scolded him as she sat next to him after washing her hands. 

"I am sorry, I didn't know she was this serious," Jimin sighed. 

"Where is she?" He asked, looking around, "I gave her sleeping pills, she might wake up in an hour or two," Eunji informed. 

"Sleeping pill? Why?" 

"She didn't sleep the whole night, she was too stressed and needed some sleep, so I mixed it with her drink." 

Jimin nodded, "I was so scared hyung," Jungkook cried hugging Jimin, "you are gonna kill me," Jimin said out of breath. 

"Oh! Sorry," Jungkook giggled as he loosened his grip around Jimin, but didn't pull back. 

"Go take a shower and rest for some time, by then she will wake up too," Eunji said. 

I will be posting everyday from today😁💖

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