Drunk part 2

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Sam's pov

"Please go away " I squeeze my arms tighter. Why...why would KEITH do this ? I let the tears fall down my face . It soothes the pain of the hand . The stinging feeling in my cheek. The one Keith did.

(Flash back)

Keith closes his eyes and bows his head. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to get him the liquor. But in my best attempt to keep him alive I decided not to. Should I go yet? Just leave the room and leave him here? I can't no matter how much he screams at me . He can't drink anymore. I don't like seeing him like this .

He's SOO defeated...broken down. I did this to him. "Go away" he growls at me . His voice low and raspy. He's not him self at all. He's a ticking time bomb and all I'm doing is lighting the string . I have to go . Before I hurt him anymore. Closing my eyes I hope this is all a dream . But when reality comes nocking at the door I know I need to leave. Getting up I head to my room. I'd be safe ...their ....and he...would be safe here.

"Where do you think your going ?" Opening his eyes he's stares at me . As I slowly pass him. His jaw clenched and i knew something was up. His eyes turning black and hands turning into fists. "Answer me ?!" He demands grabbing my arm . "Ahh" I screen as he draws me back. Forcing me to look at the awfulness he's turning into.

Digging his fingers into me . I don't know what to do or how to think. I've never seen him "answer me ?!" He screens his hand coming up and I'm screeching . A burning pain in my face . A hand covering my mouth so no one can hear my screams. He's standing Now. Towering over me like a giant. I'm doomed. Glaring at me he sits down. Pointing to the corner . I slowly without hesitation go. (End flash back)

"I don't know what came over me ". His drunken state finally slowly disappearing. I don't know what to do . He hurt me .

Keith's pov

I let my lion out and got drunk in the meantime. I turned in to thunder. I come unexpectedly and roar and boom down on anything and everything under me. Today I released my thunder and let my lion out of it's cage. And today Sam ticked off the thunder and let the Lightning unfortunately hit her. And today I'm the worst person in the world. "Sam" slowly walking over to her huddled up body .

Walking like you do when you see a puppy and don't want to scare it . "Sam ... I'm sorry. " I carefully say .. Paying attention to the tone of my voice and the look on my face . Sorrow and guilt. Cause that's what I manly feel right now. Crouching down a feet away from her. She needed her space and be able to wrap her mind on what just happened. Even though I don't know what just happened.

I needed to talk to her. To make rights with all the wrongs I just did. "What did I do "? Sam's voice in a reck . Don't blame her. There's only one thing I can do. Getting up from my squatting position I head to walk she's slumped up against. Flinching slightly I can tell she's still scared and cold, her teeth
are chattering - it's really annoying.

I grab A soft fuzzy cream colored blanket big enough for 3 people to enjoy it in a wicker basket next to the couch. Sam doesn't move her eyes from me . Studying every movement I make as I approach her. Hesitating I slide down the wall and sit next to her. Was it to soon though? I probably should of gotten up and walked to another room. But what if she thinks I hate her or something. No I needed to do what the woman never did .

Sams pov

"Here I got you a blanket ". I don't mind him sitting next to me . I can tell he feels bad . I just wish he would tell me what happened. "Thanks" hesitating I take the blanket. Its cold in here . Doesn't help it like 1:39 in the morning or night sense it's after midnight. Tired ..cold... Hungry...and scared. I've never felt this combination before. And it's awful.

I want to fall asleep my head resting on Keith's shoulder and he wraps his arms around me . Me curling up besides him and he places the blanket on the both of us. Him softly resting his head on top of mine or against the wall or couch. Lightly rubbing my should and talking to me until I drift asleep.

Me waking up still in his arms as he just watches me sleep. Me asking him why he didn't move and saying I didn't want to wake you up. Or sometimes me waking up , my head on a pillow laying down on the couch and blanket covering me and him in the kitchen making us breakfast.

But mostly I miss being able to curl up next to him and him placing a blanket on me leaning down and kissing the top of my head. Those days I knew everything was right in the world no matter what happened in school or whatever. I knew I was safe. Without realizing it I was already curled up against him.

Kieth pov

Although she was scared of me she still curled up next to me. I knew it was time to tell her something. "Sam" tilting my head so I can look her in the eyes. "Come ... we're going to the couch I need to tell you something. " my voice trying not to be demanding . Reaching out my hand she took the offer and I lead us to the couch.

She's more understanding than I'll ever be more forgiving than I've ever been. "When I was child the woman used to hurt me. She said I was an accident and "boy..your a poor crapy excuse for a man" . I learned from a young age that no emotion equaled less pain given. That Love is an evil cruel thing that destroys your life in blink of an eye if you let it. Love is what happens when you let your guard down. My dad never knew being a lawyer who traveled,

he and the woman separated but never did the divorce papers when I was 7. My dad was drunk. But he tried not to be a drunk when the woman let me see him on the weekends. You could still faintly smell the alcohol. When I was 8 my dad saw what the woman did to me. For so many years I hid it from them. The woman even helped me hide it from all of them.

The woman never went to jail but they took me out of custody of her with the help of my dad. He became my drunken old man after that . He couldn't bear to know what happened to me and that he was never there to protect me from those dangers . Soon later I ended up in foster care cause my dad couldn't handle it. He went to therapy and in Fridays we went together. Monday's I went just by my slept and Wednesday i word go with whom ever was my guardian.

My old neighbors of my dad adopted me at the age of 10. There the same age as my birth parents and on most legal documents and stuff it says I their child and there my real parents. The only thing barring my scars is my birth certificate. " I let my guard down and nothing happened. I don't get it. But I'm happy to finally tell sam. Emma knows I had to tell her before we got married and when we were in a dom/sub life before Sam. We are now just not as noticeable.

It's not the whole story but just enough for them to know . Emma knows it all and I know of her past and secrets .. But that's a whole other story. "Kieth .... I'm sorr " Sam slowly drifting asleep. It nice to know I have her back . And this time I'll shield her better from the thunder and I'll kill the lion before it makes its move.

My right arm going around her body and slowly pushing her closer to me so she can rest her head on my shoulder and curl up on me on the couch to sleep. And I'll stay up as long as possible just thinking.

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