Boarding school

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About a week later

"Sam!" Ugg. Why can't I ever talk to strangers . If they look friendly I'm gonna talk to them .

"One second Simon !"

" we're gonna be late for the plane ! " it's a private jet . How hard is it to say it . Like really ' we're gonna be late for the private jet ' . But you really can't be late for your own private jet . We're just gonna be late to meet Keith .

"Now Sam !" He was acting like Keith . But more like an older brother. Keith acted like my dad and Simon my brother and Randell my grandpa or uncle. I don't wanna go see Keith ether . I don't want to call him Mr or be fucking polite . I don't want him to give me that disappointed look, and I don't want to be anywhere near him wear he could spank me . It's only been a week but who know any more.

"Fuck you!!! Simon you better put me the hell down! " getting slung across someone's shoulder like a sack of potatoes is not my cup of tea. "Hey , you little bitch , you probably should wash your mouth or I'll just tell Keith." The threat ...... The meatloaf of all threats. He couldn't tell Keith ... I .. I would get in SOO much trouble for me mouth .

(Five minutes later )

"In the jet now Sam.. I don't want to hear a peep . Got it ?" Keith's stern look said not to give a replay but his temper said talk. " yes Mr. K .. Bye Simon , " looking down at my feet I entered the plane. I sat on the seat across from Keith . Looking down at my feet i twirled my thumbs . The silence was killing me . It me to my thoughts and Keith's to his . I couldn't stand it . I need air ... I need some sound .... I need to talk ! "Keith?" I soft cry escaping from my lips . I couldn't take it back . Regretting the mistake I already made . Keith closed his laptop slowly looking at me the whole time . It was an uncomfortable moment to be honest. He was wearing a black jacket with black pants with a silver belt and tie. He looked professional and stern , kick -ass. I would sit in silence forever if I keep this up. Alone to my thoughts while I watch him put his hand in his lap and slowly stare at me . " not a word ️SAM ! NOT A FREAKING WORD. YES YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT? I'm sick of it SAM OVER HERE NOW !" His voice booming though the jet. I'm happy we flied solo . He didn't mean to tell that loud but he did and he embraced it.
I close my eyes. Wishing time would freeze and I wouldn't have to see Keith's disappointed look. Slowly opening my eyes hoping it was a dream I head over to Keith . Kneeling down butt on my heels, I bow my head like a dog asking for forgiveness. I would wait intill I was ready or he was ready . "Sam" looking up I see his disappointed parent look. " so I hear you got a foul mouth ?" A rhetorical question. Slowly nodding my head up and down .. I wish for it so be all over all ready." So your getting your mouth washed with soap . " wait soap? Not as bad as I thought . But for how long ? I disappointed Keith. As much as I like making trouble I can't have Them be disappointed at me . It's like a shot to the heart. "Sam ... I don't know what's happened to you . You used to listen , be polite , but now it's like something triggered and your a total bitch. " I was. I get everything I want . I do get disciplined but it never works. Keith's to much of a softy at heart to every spank me again. He raised his left eyebrow at me piercing his eyes at mine .... He was waiting for a response. " Keith..I'm sorry " for what I really didn't know and why I was being yelled at I really didn't care anymore. "Sam" Keith's right hand lifting my chin so I have to look at him. I slightly flinch but didn't move ... I trust him enough.. I think? " I'm sending you to a boarding school . One wear you will learn manners ,respect others , respect those older than you , they are legally able to spank you there and don't think for a second that they won't . Sam i'm not giving up on you I'm just giving you a better future. You will only go there for 3 months .. If you and I see improvement than you'll go for the rest of the quarter and I'll take you out if you want ... But if we don't see improvement than you will stay INTILL we do . " his voice was cold, his eyes were black and his face was stern . There was no sympathy in his look . I couldn't go to boarding school. I just can't .

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